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The Fenix ​​Toulouse with live bullets

Seven weeks after resuming training, the Toulouse handball players return to official competition in the early evening (7 p.m.), on the floor of the Austrians of Alpla Hard. This first leg of the first preliminary round of the European League, before the return next Saturday at the Sports Palace, comes after a rather convincing preparation of the men of Danijel Andjelkovic who won four of their five friendlies, including the Toulouse tournament on the week -end last. Two successes, against Granollers (38-33) and Limoges (39-27), which offer undeniable guarantees when tackling this first challenge of the season.

The welcome return of Luka Sokolic

“The objective is not to be European champion in friendly matches, but even if we are not yet at 100%, it is still a good point for confidence,” said the Toulouse coach. The latter still warned his men against any sin of pride by reminding them that, last season, they had fallen heavily (37-32) in the group stage on the floor of another Austrian team, the Fivers Vienna, a few weeks before the latter lost in the final of the Austrian championship against… Alpla Hard. “It’s a team that is very present in the duels and we will have to impose our rhythm” adds the Toulouse coach, insisting on the key role played by the Croatian center-half Ivan Horvat “a real conductor “. Absent last weekend for an inner ear problem, Luka Sokolic will return to Austria and the reinforcement of one of the best defenders of the squad is good news even if the association with the Swedish pivot Fredric Pettersson , who returned late from the Olympic Games, is still in the process of breaking in. “If we are tactically rigorous and with a conquering mindset, that should be fine, but we will have to respond” concludes Andjelkovic. Yes, because this time, it will count for real …

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