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The feisty doctor surprises the world: the epidemic will disappear in the spring

Last updated: Thursday 23 Shaban 1441 AH – April 16, 2020 KSA 09:57 – GMT 06:57
Posted on: Thursday 23 Shaban 1441 AH – April 16, 2020 KSA 07:35 – GMT 04:35

Source: Dubai – Arabic.net

The quarrelsome French doctor returns to surprise the French and the whole world with statements, some described as optimistic, while others saw them as reckless or undocumented allegations, according to local media reported on Wednesday.

But doctor Didier Raoul, who used to be criticized, armed some numbers from the French city of Marseille, to confirm that Corona’s injuries were decreasing, and that the epidemic might disappear during the spring or a few weeks later.

Raoul appeared in a video posted on his Twitter account, to give some hope, saying: “Here, that is, in the French city of Marseille, the epidemic has begun to fade.” “The virus is likely to disappear this spring, in the next few weeks. It is not surprising, but this is what happens when a respiratory virus epidemic spreads.”

In addition, the controversial French doctor visited by the French President last week, to see the treatment he adopted to treat some patients with Corona, reviewed the latest results of the use of hydroxychloroquine with azomitricin to treat patients with COVID-19.

In this regard, he said: “We are very pleased. We tested 32 and 83 people and 2,628 were treated by our protocol. It can be said that the number of deaths did not exceed the 0.5% which is an amazing result globally.”

It is noteworthy that Didier Raoul has been the name of France for the past several days, even for the past weeks. He was the first to call for the treatment of Corona patients who were brutal in Europe with the anti-malarial drug “Chloroquine”.

This doctor, who heads the Infectious Diseases Department at Marseille Hospital in France, and who was the first to talk about the efficacy of this drug to treat people with the emerging virus, continues to cause controversy in the country every time he interviews or publishes a permit.

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