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The Feeling of Life Itself: Christoph Koch’s Groundbreaking Book on Consciousness

“If you’re curious about what happens at the forefront of consciousness, open this book!” ― Jaeseung Jeong
“Completely pierced” – 《Nature》
“Open science provides a very easy approach to the difficult problem of consciousness!” ― “Science”

Christoph Koch, a world-renowned neuroscientist who leads the Allen Institute for Neuroscience in the United States, has published a book containing scientific and philosophical considerations on the ‘origin and nature of consciousness’ titled “The Feeling of Life Itself: Why Consciousness Is Widespread but Can’t Be Computed”. It was published under the title.

Arte recently (September 2023) introduced Koch’s theory and research book, which has become the center of debate in the neuroscience community, to Korea under the title 『The Sense of Life Itself』 (Philos Series No. 26).

As the original title implies, this book is about the sense of life itself.[느낌]Exploring , we discuss why consciousness is widespread within ‘lifeforms’ (subjects ranging from mammals to invertebrates, single-celled microorganisms, bacteria, and plants), but cannot be calculated. Koch explains this reason with the concept of “intrinsic causal powers.” In addition, we study whether ‘artificial intelligence’ has ‘artificial consciousness’, that is, whether a digital organism can simulate causal power itself.

As a master of neuronal modeling research, the author has been researching ‘consciousness’ for over 30 years by incorporating trends and philosophy in neuroscience. He is a pioneer who established ‘consciousness’, which has been the subject of philosophy, as an area of ​​scientific inquiry, and is an important figure who has led a major paradigm shift in the history of consciousness science with the discovery of NCC (neural correlates of consciousness). Through this book, Koch once again proposed an unprecedented radical innovation (integrated information theory) and became the center of recent controversy.

The top two scientific journals, Nature and Science, “completely figured it out!” It was described as “a leading and ‘proven’ theory of consciousness that explains consciousness,” and was introduced as the most ‘powerful theory of consciousness’ at present. However, in September 2023, Stephen Fleming and 124 other relevant academic researchers called Koch’s theory ‘pseudo-science.’ (pseudo-science)’, he claimed.

The point of criticism is Koch’s theory[“단세포 미생물도 통합정보 최댓값(인과적 힘)이 0이 아니므로 의식을 지닌다”]This is too new and can have a direct or indirect impact on the ethical judgments of individuals and society regarding animal and organoid experiments, abortion, etc., so it is a ‘pseudo’.

Translator Park Je-yoon, an expert who has studied the field of philosophy of science for a long time, said,[완전히 검증되지 않았다는 이유만으로, 새로운 패러다임이라는 이유만으로] “It is not persuasive to claim that it is a cult.”

Philip Gough (Professor of Philosophy at Durham University) also said,[의식 과학 분야의 특수성을 고려했을 때] He defended Koch, saying, “It is an expected event where methodological aspects inevitably meet, and a field where radical innovation is inevitable.” Neuroscientist Anil Seth also said,[의식적] Very persuasive argument, based on deep research into experience. “A book full of scientific insight!” he praised.

In Korea, Professor Jaeseung Jeong mentioned his academic ties with Koch in his recommendation speech and recommended, “If you are curious about what happens at the forefront of consciousness, be sure to open this book.” Christoph Koch also states his mission for the development of a ‘perfect consciousness measuring instrument’ and suggests an interesting possibility that may provide helpful clues to clinical medical professionals as well. Professor Kim Young-bo (Gachon University School of Medicine, Department of Neurosurgery) commented, “It is an important book that anyone studying consciousness must read.”

2024-03-14 04:44:45

#book #Life #sense

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