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The federal government must reimburse nursing care insurance for additional Corona costs

A recent legal report emphasizes that the federal government is obliged to fully reimburse nursing insurance for the billions in costs caused by the corona pandemic. The lawyer Dagmar Felix calls the use of contribution money to finance Corona measures a misappropriation and therefore unconstitutional act.

Eligibility for federal assistance in nursing care insurance

The health insurance company DAK-Gesundheit commissioned a report that provides constitutional arguments for the fact that the federal government must cover all costs beyond normal care that have arisen due to the corona pandemic. According to the report, the financing of corona tests and the payment of care bonuses are tasks for society as a whole that must be carried out using tax revenue. This is how the “Editorial Network Germany” reports on the report.
Dagmar Felixa lawyer from the University of Hamburg, argued: “Access to social security contributions is denied because otherwise social security contributions would be used to finance the general state budget.”

The financial dimensions of the pandemic

With the implementation of Corona measures, such as the tests and the care bonuses, the care insurance incurred additional expenses of around 13 billion euros. So far, the federal government has only covered part of this amount. According to DAK and other funds, a sum of six billion euros is still outstanding.

The future of nursing care insurance contributions

Nursing care insurance is currently in financial difficulties, which makes the question of full compensation from the federal government even more urgent. Without further support, there is a risk that the contribution rate will increase by at least 0.2 percentage points at the beginning of 2025.
Andreas StormDAK CEO, is of the opinion that an increase in contributions can be avoided if the federal government fully bears the costs of the pandemic. “The result of our legal opinion is clear: During the pandemic there was a misuse of contribution money, which must now be corrected in view of the acute financial problems,” he told the RND. He further warned that the necessary financial resources of six billion euros must be made available this year in order to prevent an impending increase in contributions at the turn of the year.

✨ edited by AI, September 30, 2024 00:29.

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