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The federal and state governments extend and tighten lockdown until the end of January – Freiburg

The lockdown will be extended until January 31st due to the high number of infections. People in severely affected regions face drastic restrictions on their freedom of movement.

Since the number of corona infections is not falling significantly, people in Germany will have to be prepared for further restrictions for the next three weeks. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the heads of government of the federal states agreed on Tuesday to extend the lockdown rules, originally agreed on January 10, until the end of the month. In addition, they agreed even stricter contact restrictions in the private sector. “The measures that we have decided are drastic,” emphasized Merkel. “Now is no time for half-heartedness,” said Berlin’s Governing Mayor Michael Mller (SPD).

After the online conference, Merkel said that in the second quarter of this year there would be significantly more vaccine doses “according to human judgment”. However, the group refrained from making concrete, binding announcements as to when comprehensive Covid-19 vaccinations can be expected at the latest. “I advise not to make any false promises,” said Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Sder (CSU).

The aim of the measures: to further reduce contacts

Since December 16, many shops in Germany, but also schools and most daycare centers, have been closed. There are also strict restrictions, for example for private meetings. Restaurants, cultural and leisure facilities had to close several weeks beforehand. The aim of the measures is to massively reduce contacts between people and thus infections with the coronavirus. In addition, company canteens should now be closed if possible or only offer take-away meals.

In future, private meetings should only be possible with one person who does not belong to your own household. The previously applicable exceptions for children up to the age of 14 no longer exist. This means, for example, that two couples are no longer allowed to meet for dinner and two children are not allowed to visit another child at home. In the decision of December, which was implemented by the federal states in their own, sometimes slightly different regulations, it said: “Private meetings with friends, relatives and acquaintances are still on your own and one other household, but in each case on a maximum of 5 People to restrict. Children up to 14 years are exempt from this. “

In severely affected regions, the range of motion can be restricted – but Baden-Wrttemberg is still undecided

In addition, the federal states are to limit the range of movement of citizens to 15 kilometers around their place of residence for areas in which more than 200 people per 100,000 inhabitants are newly infected within seven days. If you live in such a corona hotspot and want to move further away from your place of residence, you would have to provide a valid reason, such as the drive to work. According to the Robert Koch Institute, 68 districts currently have a correspondingly high incidence value. In Baden-Wrttemberg, according to data from the State Health Office from Tuesday evening, only two districts are likely to be affected: the Enz district (203.0) and the urban district of Pforzheim (206.4). The district of Tuttlingen (198.2) is just below that, and the district of Calw is also approaching the 200 limit with 199.7.

Baden-Wrttemberg only wants to decide later whether it will limit the range of motion. “We are not currently planning that,” said Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Green) on Tuesday evening after consultations with the federal government and the federal states about further corona measures. “We first have to come to reliable values ​​next week in order to then decide.”

In Germany, there is already a restricted range of motion in Saxony, where the number of new infections has risen sharply in the past three months. Here, citizens are only allowed a maximum of 15 kilometers away from their place of residence, for example to do sports or to go shopping. Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow (Left) had proposed a corresponding regulation for Thringen, which is also badly affected by Covid-19. Other European countries have already gained experience with such measures. However, these were and are often combined with other restrictions – such as a nocturnal curfew – and sometimes significantly stricter.

In order to protect the residents of retirement and nursing homes from Covid-19 and from loneliness at the same time, the federal government and the federal states want to help send enough volunteers to these facilities to test staff and visitors for the corona virus.

Most of the schoolchildren and also many daycare children will probably have to stay at home for the next three weeks. Schools and day care centers are to remain largely closed until at least the end of January or only offer limited operation. If parents are unable to go to work as a result, an additional ten-day child sickness benefit is to be paid.

The regulations for people entering from risk areas are to be tightened. In principle, a corona test should be carried out directly upon entry.

Majority of Germans for the lockdown

A large majority of Germans are in favor of extending the lockdown to contain the corona pandemic. In a survey carried out by the YouGov opinion research institute on behalf of the German Press Agency, almost two thirds of those questioned said they should continue the restrictions at least for the period beyond January 10th. 41 percent are in favor of unchanged retention, and a further 24 percent even in favor of tightening. In contrast, only 17 percent are in favor of easing the lockdown, and only one in ten (11 percent) are in favor of a complete lifting of all restrictions.

The question of who is responsible for the slow start of Covid-19 vaccinations in Germany and how more speed can be made there is still disputed. Since the start of the nationwide vaccination campaign after Christmas, almost 317,000 vaccinations have been reported according to the RKI. Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) had rejected criticism with reference to the manufacturers’ limited production capacities.

“It is crucial that Germany has sufficient vaccines available and that the vaccinations are coordinated, carried out quickly and consistently,” said Grnen Chairman Robert Habeck. “The production capacities and the available amount of vaccine have to be increased as quickly as possible, the processing has to go ahead.” AfD chairman Jrg Meuthen said: “Regardless of how you feel about the corona vaccination, every citizen should have the opportunity to get vaccinated.” The federal government had failed to procure a sufficient quantity of vaccine at an early stage.

Next deliberations on January 25th

The Chancellor and the heads of government of the federal states want to discuss how things should proceed from February 1st on January 25th.

The German health authorities reported 11,897 new corona infections to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) within one day. In addition, 944 new deaths were recorded within 24 hours, as the RKI announced on Tuesday morning. An interpretation of the data remains difficult because around Christmas and the turn of the year corona cases were discovered, recorded and transmitted with a delay.

What’s new ..

  • CONTACTS: The contact restrictions are tightened. In future, meetings outside of your own household will only be allowed with one other person.

  • Company canteens: Company canteens may still offer take-away food and drinks.

  • MOBILITT: In districts in which more than 200 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants were reported within seven days, people should not be allowed to move more than 15 kilometers from their place of residence without good reason. “Day trips are explicitly not a valid reason.”

  • VACCINATIONS: All residents of inpatient care facilities should be able to get vaccinated by mid-February at the latest. By February 1, around four million vaccine doses are said to have been delivered.

  • CHILD’S SICKNESS: Normally, each parent receives child sickness benefit for up to ten working days per year, single parents for up to 20 days. For the time being, the period should increase to 20 or 40 days. The entitlement also applies if the child cannot go to school or daycare due to Corona.

  • ENTER: Anyone entering from a foreign risk area must in future be tested on arrival or in the 48 hours before. The obligation to a ten-day quarantine, which can be ended from the fifth day by a negative test, remains in place.

  • NEXT STEPS: On January 25th, the federal and state governments want to consult again

What else applies …

  • RETAIL TRADE: The retail trade remains closed. Exceptions apply to businesses that cover daily needs. These include: grocery stores, weekly markets, pick-up and delivery services, beverage markets, health food stores, baby stores; Pharmacies, sanitary facilities, drugstores, opticians, hearing care professionals, petrol stations, vehicle workshops, bicycle workshops, banks and savings banks, post offices, dry cleaners, laundrettes, newspaper sales, animal supplies, animal feed markets, Christmas tree sales and wholesaling

  • SCHOOLS: Schools are generally closed or the obligation to be present remains suspended. Emergency care is ensured and distance learning is offered. Separate regulations may apply to graduating classes.

  • NEXT: Even day-care centers are generally closed. Additional opportunities are created for parents to take paid leave to look after their children during the period mentioned.

  • WORKPLACE: Employers are urgently asked to check whether companies can be closed either through company holidays or generous home office solutions.

  • ALCOHOL: Drinking alcoholic beverages in public places is prohibited. Verste are assigned a budget.

  • HAIRDRESSERS: Service companies in the field of personal care such as hairdressing salons, cosmetic studios, massage practices, tattoo studios and similar businesses are closed.

  • NECESSARY TREATMENTS: Medically necessary treatments, for example physiotherapy, occupational therapy and logotherapy as well as podiatry / nursing care remain possible.

  • Worship services: Church services in churches, synagogues and mosques as well as other religious communities are only permitted if the minimum distance of 1.5 meters can be maintained. It is compulsory to wear a mask on the square, singing in congregations is prohibited. If full occupation is expected, visitors should register.

  • OLD CARE: The staff in inpatient retirement and care facilities must be tested several times a week. In regions with a higher number of cases, visitors have to show a negative corona test.

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