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The FCMC registers a new pension plan

The Financial and Capital Market Commission (FKTK) registered a pension scheme “Luminor index pension plan for a sustainable future “.

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The assets of this pension plan will be invested in the global stock market through equity investment funds whose replicated stock market indices take into account environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria. Thus, the funds of the pension plan will be invested in companies that have received a higher than average assessment of the ESG criteria in the stock market. Investments will not be carried out in companies whose products or services have a negative social or environmental impact.

“Luminor Index Pension Plan Sustainable Future” means a defined contribution pension plan without biometric risk coverage and a guaranteed return on investment. Contributions and expenses to the pension plan are made in euros.

This will complement the range of tier 3 pension schemes in which citizens can make contributions and accumulate funds on a voluntary basis.

According to Luminor, the 3rd pension index plan “Luminor Index Pension Plan Sustainable Future” will be launched on May 27. Up to 100% of the fund’s assets will be invested in equity index funds. This will also be the first pension fund managed by Luminor.

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