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The FBI is investigating observation

Once again, an observation of a person flying with a jetpack near Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) has been reported. This is the second time in three weeks that such an observation has been reported, he writes BBC.

According to the channel, it was the crew on board a plane from the company China Airlines who reported the observation. Perhaps not shocking in itself, but the fact that the person was seen at an altitude of over 1800 meters, quickly created reactions.

The FBI is now involved and has launched an investigation. According to the BBC, it is unclear whether any of the two observations led to any danger to the planes.

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It must have been around 13.45 local time on Wednesday that the crew on the plane discovered the person with the jetpack.

“The FBI is in contact with the federal aviation administration, and several reports are being investigated about what according to witnesses appeared to be a human with a jetpack near LAX,” FBI spokeswoman Laura Eimiller told several American media outlets that covered the incident.

No one from the airport in question has so far made any official statement after the incident.

“- See my jetpack!”, He thought probably – the enthusiast who was to appear on TV in prime time.
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Absurd message

It was also reported on 27 September a similar episode in the same place. At that time, however, it was at an altitude of just over 900 meters that the person was observed. An American Airlines flight reported the sighting around 6:30 p.m. local time.

– We just passed a man with a jetpack, said the pilot in the recording that was released afterwards.

Within a minute, another plane was also reported to have seen a person fly past. The incident is now under investigation.

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