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The favorite singer got engaged. The request for a hand was very complicated

Singer Albert Černý, who shone in the show Your Face Has a Famous Voice last year, will get married. The bride will be the model and winner of the Elite Model Look 2014 world final, Barbora Podzimková, with whom Černý has been dating for four years.

An unconventional request for a hand took place in Costa Rica. It was preceded by a lot of planning and complications. “Originally I didn’t want to go to Costa Rica, but I let myself be persuaded. I wanted to go surfing somewhere closer because I had been planning to hold Bara’s hand for several months and I didn’t logistically like such a long flight,” the singer confided.

To apply for a hand, Černý wanted to use a new surfboard, which he had made to measure in Australia. “If you ever think of having a surfboard sent from Australia, don’t do it,” he warned his fans. Not only did he have to pay for expensive air travel, but he also had to complete a two-hour wheel at customs and pay expensive customs duties. Subsequently, he was not allowed on the Prague public transport and had to order a cargo taxi. “I had no idea there was such a thing,” Black said.

Other problems were with the departure to Costa Rica. The singer had to fly from Vienna to Frankfurt because the surf did not fit on the plane on the Prague-Frankfurt route. Despite all the complications and mainly thanks to the help of friends and family, surfing in Costa Rica.

“Because I know that Bara likes water and that she loves surfing as much as I do, I planned to drag her to the sea blindfolded on a new surfboard and take the tape off her eyes there,” the singer described his plan, which was complicated by the weather.

It started to rain a lot, which was not exactly ideal weather for a hand. “But I told myself I just had to do it. We sat on the beach for a while in a total foundry and then we thought we could at least swim. It was a great romance, but I kept checking to see if the ring was floating from my pocket somewhere in the sea. , “the singer described the beginning of the action, which was not completely perfect.

On the contrary, the conclusion was successful. “I pulled Bara ashore, blindfolded her and dragged her back into the water on the new surfboard. Suddenly it stopped raining, the sun came up, Bara took the blindfold off her, read the laminated handwritten message ‘Will you marry me?’ “Will you take me?”, and I took a completely soaked paper box with a ring from my pocket. It was one of the most beautiful moments in my life, “Černý concluded.

Albert Černý took part in the singing show Your face has a familiar voice:

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