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The favorite Bulgarian dishes of all foreigners

We are sure that you have had the chance to welcome guests from abroad and at the question “What are we going to entertain them with now?” mainly two emotions arise – an initial slight panic, accompanied by a subsequent calmness that you can always sit somewhere and eat a couple of kebabs with a side dish and thus solve the problem once and for all. Yes, but no.

It turns out that foreigners who arrive in Bulgaria have completely different preferences and tastes. According to statistics and opinions of people who visit our country, among the most preferred dishes are:


Or as it is known among foreigners who have already been to Bulgaria, “the most addictive and delicious thing you can try”. Come to think of it – they’re right, who doesn’t love a freshly baked doughy treat for the stomach early in the morning? We have nothing to add…except a glass of fresh ayran, of course.

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Shopska salad

Nothing says “let’s enjoy our dinner” like a nice shop salad. Garden tomatoes and cucumbers, onions and delicious homemade cheese – the flavors of this seemingly simple dish impress the taste buds of tourists.

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The cold soup of the Balkans, which impresses foreigners with its freshness. Whether it is served as a first course or as an addition to the main, there will not be a single dissatisfied tourist around you, we guarantee it.


Yes, the Greeks invented moussaka, but we’ve perfected it with potatoes. Think about it – if you have at least one childhood memory of delicious moussaka, fresh out of the oven, served with yogurt, what is the chance that a foreigner will not fall in love with the wealth of flavors that the dish offers.


Slices of lukanka served with a glass of fine red wine from Bulgarian vineyards – the best way to end your dinner while swapping stories of adventures and all the delicious dishes that can be tasted around the world.

Photo: iStock by Getty Images/Gulliver Photos


Everything that is prepared from cow, sheep or goat’s milk according to a Bulgarian recipe – cheese, yogurt and yellow cheese – brings unearthly pleasure to every tourist who comes to Bulgaria. Dairy products produced in our country are known all over the world and there is definitely a reason.

Photo: iStock by Getty Images/Gulliver Photos

Pumpkin pastry

We can’t leave out the sweet treats on this list. Why pumpkin? If cheesecake is addictive to foreigners, imagine what happens when you add pumpkin, cinnamon and sugar to the recipe? A feeling of Bulgaria with a pinch of sweetness!

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