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The fate of Suu Kyi, a Myanmar nationalist, protests against the coup

The coup took power of the government. Born after the army claims The government under Daw Aung San Suu Kyi failed to investigate a complaint about corruption in the November 2020 general election that the NLD led by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi was able to win. For the second term Makes it eligible to form a government Amid skeptics of electoral corruption and some citizens were disqualified to vote.

Myanmar proceeded to protest the coup. Domestic internet gets cut I don’t know the fate of Suu Kyi.

The Myanmar Army has blocked access to the internet in the country. It claims that there has been an attempt to send fake news through online channels. After the people of Myanmar gathered to protest the coup that took place. With the people continuing to protest and shout against the military. The three-fingered anti-coup image has also appeared. On February 7, 2021, students and Myanmar workers gathered in protest demanding the military release of those arrested, including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. State Counselor of Myanmar Which is still being detained Causing the police to close the main roads in Yangon Meanwhile, the military insists Daw Aung San Suu Kyi is still detained at the home and is safe.

Amnesty side International Human organizations warned that the military’s actions could violate Myanmar’s human rights. United Nations Published a message via Twitter stating that The police must respect the rights of public assembly. Meanwhile, ISPs in Myanmar were called on to challenge the military’s orders.

Which in addition to the streets walking in protest There was also a show of resistance to the coup by bringing pots, pans, cans and other things. Came to stand and knocked the sound of the windows of residential buildings continuously Cars that drive through it honk the horn. Some local people believe that knocking loud things is a ward off evil.

The army collects ‘Winten’, politicians close to Suu Kyi, foreigners watch

Win Thain, 79, a prominent politician of the NLD, Aung San Suu Kyi’s aide, was arrested on February 5 at a residence in Yangon. After calling for an uprising against the coup, Mr Winten was arrested for sedition. Which has a heavy sentence of imprisonment for life

At the same time, at least 133 officials and politicians and 14 activists were reportedly detained after the coup. By the NLD party Announced that he would try to help those arrested in the wake of this incident

The coup in Myanmar Cause different nations Condemn the actions of the military By a US White House spokesperson Announcing President Joe Biden’s statement condemning the Myanmar army That started a coup, seizing power from an elected government While Japan, Australia, England, Norway, Switzerland Has expressed a stand against actions affecting the outcome of Myanmar’s general election. And called on all sides to adhere to democratic norms And released Mrs. Aung San Suu Kyi

Origin: CNA , Sky

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