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The Fast Internet Bonus is coming: how to request the 300 euros from the State?

The digitization of Italy inevitably passes through a development plan that the government is trying to implement to improve the quality of life in Italy and in the name of progress. There is not only the switch for the transition to a new generation of TV / decoder capable of increasing the signal quality, with related bonuses. The Government Voucher Plan will bring other opportunities.

Fast internet, the bonus arrives – MeteoWeek.com

In reality, it was already talked about at the time of the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic, but you want the lockdown you want the slowness of the usual process, nothing has been done yet. Perhaps, this time, the times are more ripe.

Il Government, in fact, it has launched the public consultation for these expected and promised discounts already for the end of 2020. The consultation, in which operators participate to define the final rules, ends this month and includes 300 euro good for all Italian families, with no income limits.

Phase 2 of the country’s digitization plan

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Internet connection – MeteoWeek.com

Be careful not to confuse it with the Business Voucher Plan, which aims to promote connectivity a internet ultraveloce and the digitization of the production system throughout the national territory. That has already been operational since 1 March and concerns companies that can request from a minimum of 300 euros to a maximum of 2,500 euros for connectivity services to band ultra from 30 Mbit / s to over 1 Gbit / s. This is aimed precisely at citizens.

The provision, waiting to be passed, provides for the introduction of an important concession, which affects all citizens, regardless from the Isee: may be requested without any limit, except that of the categories provided.

The government has allocated 400 million (407 to be precise) for this initiative: citizens who will fall into the categories that can apply for the Fast Internet Bonus and will receive vouchers of up to three hundred euros for ultra-broadband, for a maximum of 24 months or up. at the end of the government sum allocated for this process of digitization of the country.

The measure already existed, but was subject to income limits with the barrier given by the ISEE, up to two thousand euros. In practice that barrier is no longer there in Phase 2, there are at most three hundred euros for each familyas long as they are without connectivity services or with connectivity services below NGA performance (less than 30 Mbps).

The ministry for economic development has chosen Infratel Italy as the implementing body of the Italian strategy for ultra-broadband. It is an Italian public company that operates in the telecommunications sector for the Ministry of Economic Development of which it is an in-house company.

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