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The Fascination of Norwegians with Weather Reports and their Unpredictable Summers

Norwegians are known to have an intense relationship with weather reports, rainfall and temperatures.

It is not known why, but it is not entirely inconceivable that northern latitudes – and occasionally severe subzero temperatures or severe weather at sea – have been imprinted in people’s memory through timeless generations.

DEVIATION: Acting state meterologist Martin Granerød about the storm of complaints that comes when there is a discrepancy between the forecast and the actual weather. Video: Dagbladet TV. Program manager: Agusta Magnusdottir Show more

In the first weeks of June, it was the record heat in southern Norway that was the big talk – now it’s the rain that’s on everyone’s lips.

In the summer, when checking the weather forecast above is more about utilizing the sun for maximum comfort than survival, the focus on the weather can sometimes get the better of us, according to state meteorologist Per Egil Haga at the Meteorological Institute.

– In the summer, we are very dependent on the weather. We would like to know if we will have good weather during the festival, concert or holiday trip. This probably means that we follow extra closely, and naturally you also register the fluctuations better, he says.

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Challenging to notify

He adds that we are also eager to check whether there will actually be snow or rain in the winter, but that we then cope with the changes better than in the summer.

MISS: TV viewers were treated to something completely unexpected during a weather forecast in Spokane, Washington on Sunday, October 17. Photo: Twitter / KREM Show more

At the same time, he admits that summer often involves an “unstable type of weather”, and that it is challenging to give notice long in advance.

– These are weather phenomena that occur on a very small scale, they hit small areas and are short-lived – popularly called local rain showers. It is almost impossible to say whether a shower will hit Oslo or Asker, whether it will include lightning and thunder and exactly when it will occur, explains Haga.

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Comforting words

He says that the safest thing is to check the weather forecast as close to the relevant time as possible.

– It should probably be a couple of hours in advance. Inside the Yr app, for example, you can check the development for the next 90 minutes, and this tends to be quite accurate, he says.

Haga assures that the weather services are improving little by little, but that it takes time.

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Fortunately, the meteorologist has some comforting words to offer on the eve.

– We need the rain for it to become green around us. We have all seen how devastating drought can be to agriculture and forestry. Then we have to try to think that some people are happy that the rain is coming, and that we can enjoy green nature precisely for that reason, he says.

Spectacular videos of lightning spreading across the earth were recently released by the European weather agency Eumetsat. Video: Eumetsat, Storyblocks. Reporter: Anabelle Bruun/Dagbladet TV Show more
2023-07-04 18:30:28


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