Home » today » Business » The Fascinating Story Behind Irvin Berlin’s “White Christmas” Song – Le Figaro’s In-Depth Investigation

The Fascinating Story Behind Irvin Berlin’s “White Christmas” Song – Le Figaro’s In-Depth Investigation

THE MOST BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS SONGS (3/4)- Profane or religious, solemn and joyful, they are timeless. Le Figaro returns every week to their fabulous story.

« I’m dreaming of a white Christmas… » The captivating timbre, the warm and serious inflections of the famous voice of “ crooner » by Bing Crosby call for moments of indolent happiness. The first measures alone calm troubled hearts. No lightness, however, in a song intended from its beginnings as an outlet for pain. Firstly, that of a father, to whom each passing Christmas is reminded of the loss of his child. And it is because it comforts American soldiers, spending the holidays far from home, that they then praise it on the radio.

Let’s go back a little. We are quick to attribute the authorship of the work to its star performer, Bing Crosby. However, we owe the song to Irvin Berlin, an American of Russian origin. At only four years old, he fled with his family the pogroms perpetrated against the Jews and emigrated to the United States. His childhood was poor although happy. He doesn’t know music, but while he is a waiter and singer in a café in Chinatown

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2023-12-18 06:22:04
#tragic #story #White #Christmas

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