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The fascinating mechanisms of blood

“Journey to the heart of the blood” : this is the title of a temporary exhibition that will take place at the Saint-Louis hospital from September 16 to 22. Designed by associations of patients suffering from leukemia or myeloma (ELLyE, Laurette Fugain, AF3M), the Janssen laboratory, and various hematology departments of the hospital, this event will immerse the visitor in the functioning of blood cells and explore their essential role for the human body.

Great unknowns

Through interactive presentations, educational infographics, videos and explanatory diagrams, everyone will be able to better understand the three main families of blood cancers (leukemia, lymphomas which are cancers of the lymph nodes, and multiple myeloma which is a cancer of the bone marrow). These complex pathologies remain little known to the general public, even though they affect 45,000 people each year, children and adults alike. “For many, hematological cancers such as lymphomas or chronic lymphocytic leukemia do not evoke anything specific. Hence the incomprehension that most of the time the announcement of the diagnosis generates. This lack of knowledge places people who are affected by them in increased confusion, anxiety and solitude. How can we talk about an illness that we do not understand, and that others do not even know about?”underlines the ELLyE association.

Donation more vital than ever

What tests can be used to diagnose these cancers? What is the impact of these diseases on the daily lives of patients and the challenges they face? These are all questions that the exhibition attempts to answer, while highlighting the progress made by research. An opportunity “unique to raise awareness of simple actions that can save lives” according to the Laurette Fugain association, since the exhibition also highlights the importance of blood, platelet, plasma and bone marrow donations.

Access :
Saint-Louis Hospital, 1 avenue Claude Vellefaux, 75010 Paris
Metro line 11: Goncourt-Hôpital Saint-Louis station / Bus lines 46 or 75: Hôpital Saint-Louis stop
From September 16 to 22, in the main hall, free access.

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