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“The Fascinating Facts About the Sun: Age, Temperature, and More”

KOMPAS.com – The sun is the center of the solar system, which holds 99.8 percent of the solar system’s mass and is approximately 109 times the diameter of Earth.

The surface of the sun has a temperature of about 5,500 degrees Celsius, while the temperature at the core of the sun reaches more than 15 million degrees Celsius.

According to NASA, humans need to explode 100 billion tons of dynamite every second to match the energy produced by the sun.

Quoted from Space, the sun is one of more than 100 billion stars in the Milky Way Galaxy. The sun orbits about 25,000 light years from the galactic core, completing a revolution once every 250 million years or so.

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The sun is relatively young and is part of a generation of stars known as Population I, which are relatively rich in elements heavier than helium.

An older generation of stars is called Population II and an earlier generation of Population III may have existed, although no members of this generation are known yet.

Age of the sun and how to calculate it

Reporting from Discover Magazine, although experts cannot determine exactly when the sun existed, the best estimate is that the sun is about 4.6 billion years old.

Because we know that the solar system and nearly everything in it formed at about the same time, we can determine the age of the Sun by radiometric dating of the system’s oldest rocks.

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That includes meteorites, lunar rocks, and even some of the oldest rocks on Earth, all of which are 4.6 billion years old.

But, how long will the sun last? Currently, the sun is a main sequence star. This means that, like most middle-aged people, the Sun is in a steady part of its life cycle.

However, after the main sequence, stars like the sun will run out of hydrogen fuel to burn, which could happen about 6 to 7 billion years from now.

When that happens, the sun’s core will shrink, but its outer gas layers will become much larger.

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In fact, the sun will become a red giant. Fusion will convert the helium into heavier elements such as carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen.

Eventually, the sun will expand to encompass the closer rocky planets, including Mercury, Venus, and possibly Earth.

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2023-05-11 08:34:00
#Age #Sun #Compass.com

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