Scientists have revealed an interesting fact. Those who saw that the Sahara Desert, which was engraved in everyone’s mind as a desert, was once a meadow, were astonished. Here is the drought story of the Sahara Desert…
Scientists announced that the Sahara Desert was a tropical green savannah in the past. The story of the Sahara turning into arid lands over time was revealed. In line with the studies carried out under the leadership of Edward Armstrong from the University of Helsinki, Finland, a new climate model was developed to examine the transformation of the Sahara desert. It was stated that the Sahara Desert, located in the north of Africa, turned into a green and water-saturated area every 20 thousand years for approximately 8 million years, and new model processes were also confirmed.
Within the scope of the modeling made by scientists, it was stated that the change seen in the Sahara Desert was caused by the “precession” or “wobbling movement” that occurred during the Earth’s orbit around the sun.
This movement, seen in the northern hemisphere and being closer to the sun in the summer months, also causes climate change. It was stated that this situation was seen as an important factor affecting the green and wet nature of the Sahara Desert in the past.
Within the scope of research, it was determined that hotter summer months in the Northern Hemisphere caused the atmosphere to retain more moisture. With the strengthening of the West African Monsoon system, the African rain belt appears to be shifting northward.
In this context, it was determined that while the amount of precipitation in the Sahara increased, this caused savannah and forest areas to spread throughout the desert extending from tropical regions to the Mediterranean. It was announced that with the change experienced, plants and animals had a wide living space. Studies indicating that this change did not occur during the ice ages determined that the ice sheet cooled the atmosphere and prevented the Sahara from blooming.
In line with the research, it was determined that the Sahara served as a gateway affecting the distribution of species between North Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa. It was stated that the passage remained open during the green period of the Sahara Desert, and it was emphasized that development was achieved with the spread of derivatives in different ways. Experts stated that the passage was closed as the region turned into a desert, and that the movement of species was restricted, creating an important factor affecting ecological and biological diversity.
2024-01-04 02:00:00
#Dont #call #desert #green #drought #story #Sahara #Desert