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The “farm” Irish got help from Tore Strømøy:

– Then I have booked the journey of a lifetime!

This is how Irene Halle (39) begins the post she shared Facebook May 31.

The 39-year-old from Stjørdal became known to the Norwegian people when she went back 100 years in time on the Farm in 2018.

The year before the reality show, however, she had started on a much more important, and more personal journey.

Afraid to hurt

Halle has been aware that she has been adopted all her life, and that she is originally from South Korea.

However, she has not made any progress in finding her biological parents.

IN NORWAY: Here Irene Halle has come to Norway from South Korea, 22 months old, together with her parents Toril and Jan Arve Halle. Photo: Private
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– Of course I have thought about it, and as a child I was also often asked the question: “Do not you want to find your mother, then?”, But then I always answered no. It was really mostly about me being afraid of hurting my adoptive parents, Halle admits to Dagbladet.

As she got older, and had a daughter Ronja Emilie (21), the need to know where she came from also grew.

– Everything intensified a lot when I became a mother myself. I started asking myself more questions. What is it really like to give up a child? Would I want my child to visit me? You do not know what has actually happened, and parents who have chosen to adopt have renounced the right to search for the child afterwards, the 39-year-old says.

– I probably landed that if I had given up a child, I would have hoped that that child would want to find me, she adds.

«Tore on the track»

Two unforeseen meetings with NRK profile Tore Strømøy in 2017 were to turn thoughts into action.

Halle’s laughter echoes through the phone as she thinks back on the first episode.

MEET STRØMØY: Irene Halle met NRK journalist and host Tore Strømøy by chance on two occasions.  Photo: Ole Martin Wold

MEET STRØMØY: Irene Halle met NRK journalist and host Tore Strømøy by chance on two occasions. Photo: Ole Martin Wold
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– I stood and punched holes in balloons after a campaign we had in the store I worked. Suddenly Strømøy comes by and exclaimed: “You must not blow up the balloons! Give them to some children instead. I probably answered something like that I was too busy for that, before he hurried on, says Halle.

Her colleague had perceived that she was talking to “Tore on the track” herself, and said that Halle should run after and hear if he could not help find her parents.

– It should have worked out – I was at work, says the 39-year-old and laughs a little more.

Agreed to help

The following week she met Strømøy again, because coincidences meant that they participated in the same summer party.

– When I had become quite «good in the cake», I went away and introduced myself as «balloon lady at City Lade». He remembered me, surprisingly enough, and we talked, she says.

STRØMØYA: Tore is named after his home place on Frøya, Strømøya. Here is the family farm he grew up on, the school he went to, and he still has a house he visits as often as he can. Photo: OLE MORTEN MELGÅRD
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They talked a lot that night, and Strømøy agreed to help her.

After a short time, the experienced journalist and presenter had found the name of Halle’s mother.

Strømøy, however, was unable to establish contact with her, and Halle therefore put it all on hold for a while. Stjørdalingen also got more than enough to hang her fingers in when she entered the “Farmen” farm Gjedtjernet in Grue municipality.

ON «FARMEN»: Irene Halle was one of 14 participants who participated in «Farmen» in 2018. Photo: Espen Solli / TV 2

ON «FARMEN»: Irene Halle was one of 14 participants who participated in «Farmen» in 2018. Photo: Espen Solli / TV 2
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When covid-19 and shutdowns marked the country in 2020, it ensured that Halle had extra time to think. She asked Strømøy to try to get in touch with his mother again, but also this time he tried without success.

– We had found her, but the contact person I had talked to at the orphanage began to turn a little crooked towards me. Therefore, I recommended Irene to get in touch herself, Tore Strømøy explains to Dagbladet.

– In love

The plan was actually that Hale’s case should be part of a “Tore on the track” season, but since they did not get in touch with their mother before the season was to go on TV, it did not happen, the NRK profile explains.

One month after Halle had taken over the dialogue with the contact person herself, she received the message she had been waiting for: They had managed to get in touch with her mother.

– It was so special. I walked around with a feeling of being in love. It is the only feeling of happiness I can compare it with, Halle explains.

Since November 2021, Halle and her mother have been in daily contact. She has been told that her South Korean name was Hyojoo, that she has two younger sisters and that the adoption was the result of a turbulent relationship between her then young parents. And, perhaps most important of all: That the mother has had a desire to find her.

«FARMEN CELEBRITY»: The recording of “Farmen kjendis” 2023 is underway, and we have had a chat with several of the participants. Reporter: Thea Hope. Video: Anna Celine Hanisch
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Has been “on guard”

The 39-year-old admits that in addition to being ecstatic, she has also been “on guard”.

– I had no DNA evidence that this was my mother, and I have heard various horror stories. Among other things about alcoholic parents who have only been looking to be sent money, Halle says.

According to the 39-year-old himself, money has never been an issue during the more than six months they have had a dialogue. Halle feels absolutely sure that it is really her mother she is talking to.

– I have not taken any DNA test, but I also do not feel that I need it to be sure. Everything is just right. I see it so well – both in the appearance and in the details that have emerged while we have talked together, Halle explains.

SHARED ON FACEBOOK: Halle shared the news with friends and acquaintances on Facebook on 31 May.  Photo: Screenshot

SHARED ON FACEBOOK: Halle shared the news with friends and acquaintances on Facebook on 31 May. Photo: Screenshot
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“The journey of life”

Now that the travel restrictions from the pandemic have gradually let go, she has decided to embark on the “journey of life”. In August, Halle travels to South Korea to visit his biological family.

Now she works hard to learn language and culture.

– I read up on how to behave so as not to appear as a completely rude person from the West. I have also wallpapered an entire wall at home with notes to learn the language, in addition to seeing all of the South Korean series that are available, says Halle.

– Are you going to bring someone with you?

– I travel alone the first time. I think it’s best, because I do not know how I myself will react. Then my daughter Ronja will be included in round two, she says.

VISITING: Irene Halle will meet her mother Yoon-Kyung Lee for the first time in August.  Photo: Private

VISITING: Irene Halle will meet her mother Yoon-Kyung Lee for the first time in August. Photo: Private
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Halle says that she has received good support from her immediate family in Norway and below The Facebook post it also flows in congratulations from all sides.

Receives support from Strømøy

NRK profile Tore Strømøy would like to follow Halle’s journey further and join South Korea.

– But in that NRK not ordered some new season of “Tore on the track”, she has to travel without me, he says.

Strømøy still promises to be available if something unforeseen should occur.

– I am very happy that she gets to meet her family, and I will sit and have a little stomach ache on her behalf when the trip takes place, but I am here and can give advice if she needs it, he says.

He explains that his role on such trips is to be an outside third party – one who can ask the difficult questions and be a kind of “lightning rod” for misunderstandings and disagreements.

– What is good in Halle’s case is that she is so grown up, and that they have had so much contact before she leaves. Most of the questions have already been answered, so I think this will go well, says Strømøy.

Halle is open about the fact that she is excited about what she meets.

– Many people wonder if I’m scared, but I’m not scared of anything. I’m excited, of course – something else would be weird. Most of all, it feels great, and I’m looking forward to it, she says.

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