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“The farm celebrity”: – Now they will work together

There is no doubt that Terje Sporsem (44) and Lasse Matberg (35) had very good contact inside the “Farmen kjendis” farm. They went all the way to the final together – where the famous comedian finally had to see himself beaten by Matberg, after a very even knowledge competition.

The duo have kept the good friendship after the recording ended, and now they are even going to start working together.

VICTORY: This is the winner of “The Farm Celebrity”.
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Recently, the reality participants bought into a company together, writes The online newspaper, who first mentioned the case. This is a company that sells merchandise products.

– I received a request if I wanted to buy into a company that deals with merch, and when I was in a meeting with them, I got an idea that I just had to have Lasse on, Sporsem says to Nettavisen.

Must make spices

One of the first projects will be to make a series of spices for host Thomas Felberg (49), who was very concerned about keeping order in the spice garden inside the “Farm celebrity” farm.

Felberg himself is very pleased that the “Farmen kjendis” colleagues have joined the owner side of the company he will make a spice series for.

– I’m launching this spice. We have some spice mixtures that are unique and not for sale anywhere else, says the spice lover to Dagbladet.

Felberg is an avid hobby chef, and has always enjoyed cooking from scratch. The interest in food and spices has grown and grown, something TV viewers not least got to see on the farm.

– People who have seen “Farmen kjendis” also know that I love cayenne pepper, and then this idea came up, the 49-year-old explains, and continues:

BAD MOOD: Thomas Felberg wanted to create a bad mood after Sølje Bergan chose him as the first champion in “Farmen kjendis”
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– And now Lasse is also on the owner’s side, but it was first and foremost me and Terje who talked about this. They’ll get a lot of pepper from me, jokes the host.

Lasse Matberg and Thomas Felberg ended up in brawl with each other inside the yard when the former chose to meet Felberg in tug of war in the duel. It ended with Felberg withdrawing before the competition started.

Terje Sporsem tells Nettavisen that he got the idea for the spice from his stay at “Farmen kjendis”.

SPICES FOR THE PEOPLE: Thomas Felberg is looking forward to launching his own spice series.  Photo: Espen Solli / TV 2
SPICES FOR THE PEOPLE: Thomas Felberg is looking forward to launching his own spice series. Photo: Espen Solli / TV 2
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– I sat and thought about this. He is a man who eats so much spice, and who has a passion for it, he tells the newspaper.

Even finals

The two good friends went all the way to the final in this year’s “Farmen kjendis”, where Matberg pulled the longest straw in a very nerve-wracking duel.

– It was a climax I have never known before. Because I had invested much more in this stay than I really was aware of. I was emotionally very connected to the farm, to the animals and the people, the winner told Dagbladet.

«FARMEN»-DRAMA: An illegal meeting at the first fighter cabin on the same day as the duel was to be held, had consequences for Thomas Felberg. Video: Red Carpet / TV 2
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According to Matberg, the final lasted between nine and ten hours, which was a real ordeal.

– When the final was over, it was such a great relief. It was a heavenly long day. I was going up against perhaps the smartest and most practical in the yard, and wanted to crown everything by delivering as best I could in the final, and I managed that, said the 35-year-old after he took the victory.

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