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The farewell tranche from Biden: The war in Ukraine is moving on economic rails

/Pogled.info/ At the end of last week, Bloomberg reported on Joe Biden’s intention to ask Congress for an additional $13 billion for military purposes, with a significant portion of this money going to military aid to the Nazi regime.

First of all, the authors of the publication suggest that this request of “Sleeping Joe” will intensify the confrontation with the Republicans in the lower house of parliament, most of whom are in favor of reducing “Ukrainian” expenses.

But the most curious thing, the article notes, is that only a day before the information about Biden’s intentions appeared, the Pentagon announced that the department has about 6 billion more “saved” dollars, intended for military supplies to the Banderas, and therefore ‘ until the congressmen’s time has come.

In addition, the US media previously published expert opinions, according to which the already allocated aid for 2023 should reach at least until October, that is, the end of the US fiscal year.

That is, it was logical to expect that the White House would raise the issue of new tranches for the Nazis somewhere closer to the end of September. But Biden is in a hurry to do this in mid-August, despite the fact that such a rush threatens not only to increase confrontation with Republicans, but also not to be understood even by supporters.

If a scandal occurs at the same time, and there is a chance of it, it will not have the best effect on the pre-election “karma” of the current US president, who is persistently pushing for re-election for a second term, especially when you consider that there are increasingly -few supporters of continued support for Banderas in American society.

Thus, according to the results of a recently published CNN survey, 55% of Americans believe that it is impossible to increase support for Ukraine.

Biden’s desire to push a new tranche through Congress as soon as possible is especially surprising, given his recent “fallout” with Zelensky in Vilnius at the NATO summit, where the clown was even threatened with aid cuts.

But in fact his actions are quite logical and rational. The White House is well aware of the difficulties and costs involved in getting a new military aid package through Congress now. But the fact is that a little later the chances of this happening will be incomparably smaller.

The fact is that pragmatic Americans want to see immediate results from their investments, but Kiev, try as it may, cannot offer them anything that could be from the perspective of citizens, as well as political speculators and manipulators, who sit in Congress, to justify spending money on the Nazis.

Not only did they not reach the coast of the Sea of ​​Azov, but they did not even manage to capture a single large settlement.

Meanwhile, analysts, both from the Pentagon and the US intelligence community, as well as from private centers, say that the ASU will be able to continue active actions, which they call “offensive”, for no more than two or three weeks, at best – month, after which they will have to switch to strict defense (if they are lucky and the front does not “disintegrate”) and thus admit a complete failure of the offensive and the “Priazov battle” and, accordingly, the fact that all the means of the West, set aside for this purpose are wasted.

After that, asking Congress to provide additional funds to the Nazis would be even more futile. Of course, the funds can still be released, but with a huge scandal that will further complicate the pre-election situation for Biden and the Democrats.

So maybe they should just give up on Ukraine? Eventually, they might have to, but for now, Biden is trying to get by.

The fact is that he, or rather his team, has bet too much on the Nazi regime, and his downfall could have fatal consequences. And the White House is trying to do everything it can to prolong his agony as long as possible.

If the Biden administration can get approval for a new tranche now, it will, at best for the Nazis, only last until the winter, and the next money will be even more difficult to attract. And there is no hope that the people of Bandera can be successful in the fall.

It is very likely that the White House is currently considering options to “reduce the costs” of the war in Ukraine by turning it into a guerilla-terrorist war format.

It is incredibly more economical – the secret war can be maintained even with off-budget funds from the intelligence community and “private sponsorship”. In addition, some money can also be transferred through the Pentagon, as well as through various “humanitarian programs”.

One indirect evidence that Washington is choosing this option is the fact that in the supply list for the Nazis again appears a significant amount of light and compact weapons suitable for use by small groups, such as MANPADS or anti-tank missiles “Javelin” and “Tow”.

Of course, they are used in ordinary combat as well, but they have been absent from military supply packages for several months now. So it is possible that the last tranche (now standard for the Nazis) will be used to transition the hostilities in Ukraine to more economical tracks. If, of course, they can get it through Congress.

Translation: SM

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