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The famous smell and are attacked, the hour of the anonymous has arrived to the ‘realities’

I know that in the television universe those who rule are convinced that everything should be done with famous. Of course, reality shows, where you constantly put the same famous people over and over again. There is so much inbreeding that they will begin to have a large jaw and an absent air, a la Austria.

It is a tostón. The same people saying the same thing, the same way, talking about the same thing and with the same stories. Yes The island of temptations It was successful because anonymous participants participate in it. People who can still hold surprises for us. Real people, with joys and miseries and with new things to tell.

But this is not just a reality show, although it is the genre that suffers the most. Contests, specials, interviews … put a celebrity in your life. And if you don’t put it on, they’ll already put it on you. The other day I went to pee at night and there were four celebrities cheering me on.

You already know that Sofía Cristo has been expelled from Secret Story for “assaulting” Frigenti. The truth is, I did not expect it from her, although the aggression it was to hold by the wrists, it is ugly because it passes the limit of the physical.

She and Frigenti live in a world of lies. When they are out of reality shows they live and behave as if they were, with that unhealthy obsession for always saying what they think to their faces. These people confuse being fake with being polite. The basis of coexistence is tolerance and the left hand. It is not being false, it is not being hurtful.

But that is the tone, a lot in Telecinco, where conflict is a way of life. Frigenti knows it and promotes it, he against the world. But it’s only because now they are targeting him, but it happens to almost everyone.

And if: most of the attacks that have occurred on TV have been carried out anonymously, but when that happens, they leave the reality show and do not return. There is a certain exemplarity in it. In that, the anonymous and the famous tie, but one would expect that a famous person, used to television and its limits, knew how to behave.

That of say everything to the face and if possible shouting and at all times it is very TV, very of his world. And how they spend their lives on a set, having to shout more, having to argue more, because if not, they don’t call them, they end up in that dodgy circle where you have to live with people you hate and have offended and you he has offended on a daily basis, even personally.

Thus, each time they have less of a person and more of a character. How to empathize with a character? How to be surprised by someone who knows what he will say, what he will do and how he will react at all times?

And on the sets, commenting on what happens in realities, the same celebrities of realities. And again. Representing who? Your friends?

We need anonymous. We need new stories with people like us, like our sister, like our friend, like our boss, like … any of us.

And no, it’s not because I think a group of anonymous people would behave better. Nobody expects TV to be a kind of protocol and good manners, but there is room for surprise, for what is different. Someone from outside to cool our heads.

It is the hour of the anonymous.

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