Home » today » Entertainment » The famous page, Mount Dewisara, breaks up Benz, Damon and reveals a new in love image.

The famous page, Mount Dewisara, breaks up Benz, Damon and reveals a new in love image.

Make taro legs full of social media When the entertainment page is loud Jemoy 108 Has posted a message about the youngest and most beautiful villain Deworisara pure gold That broke up with a sweetheart Benz Damon Famous racer Or not Because of the follower ig Both recently interviewed that they are in love with Benz Along with revealing evidence that the Dew girl should be in love with the new young man

Dewarisara Thank you picture from AIG @duearisara
Dewarisara Thank you picture from AIG @duearisara

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Benz Daemon Thank you picture from Facebook Benz Daemon
Benz Daemon Thank you picture from Facebook Benz Daemon

by Jemoy 108 Has posted a message as follows “There is a projection page asking that .. In July, Dewarisara recently interviewed that In Love with a young man named Benz Damon.

– Come today, Chi broke up with the young Benz? Why the Fallow IG

– More importantly .. Now, Dew is there a new man? Because he saw a concert tour together, had a pair of pictures and sent a wreath to the same event

P.S. This story I don’t know. I’m still a man. Rodew answered by herself, but Mom loves who, I love it too !! “

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