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The famous Catwoman publishes a photo of what she looked like in her early youth

Swiss-born American socialite Jocelyn Wildenstein has been shining in the show business sky for fifty years and has been nicknamed Catwoman due to her many plastic surgeries. This week, Wildenstein published several pictures from her early youth on the social network “Instagram”, however, denying fans the opportunity to comment on the pictures.

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The Swiss Wildenstein is 82 years old, active as an art dealer and still attends public show business events now and then, for the past two years together with her fiance, fashion designer and stylist Lloyd Klein, who is 27 years younger than her lover. The two have been friends for 17 years, she received a proposal a few years ago, but nothing has been heard about the wedding until now. The couple has had a rough time in this relationship. For example, in 2016, Wildenstein was arrested on suspicion of assaulting a friend, injuring his face with scissors. Later, however, the charges were dropped. A year later, both were injured in a night fight, but they treated them as sexual injuries.

Jocelyn Wildenstein rose to fame in the 1990s when she divorced art dealer Alec Wildenstein, netting more than $2 billion in the divorce settlement. Over the following years, the woman’s features changed more and more drastically, turning her into a cat. For years now, the catwoman has been ranked among the celebrities who can be called victims due to the many plastic surgeries. According to the media, for the first time Jocelyn went under the scalpel back in 1979 to lift her eyelids.

In an interview six years ago, she estimated: if she lived to the age of 90, she would probably become the world’s oldest person who underwent plastic surgery. At the same time, Wildenstein denies that she is addicted to operations: “It’s not an addiction. I’m just not adverse to operations. I would be more than happy to do more operations if I felt it was necessary,” explained the socialite.

Many believe that Jocelyn turned to plastic surgery because she wanted to resemble a lynx as much as possible. The big cat used to be her pet. “The lynx has perfect eyes,” Wildenstein said in an interview, adding that her facial features always reminded her of a cat’s features. “If I were to show you photos of my grandmother, you would see these eyes – cat eyes – and high cheekbones,” the extravagant lady once explained.

This week, the lady published two pictures from her deep youth – one shows her in a ballet class at the age of 15, the other taken at the age of 18. Jocelyn has refused to comment on the option pictures.

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