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The family of the Russian billionaire died in his own house: two young children were killed by knife blows

The murder occurred after the return of a businessman from vacation, which he spent in the Maldives.

In the Russian city of Nizhny Novgorod, Russian billionaire Vasily Melnikov and his family were found dead in their own elite apartment. All died from stab wounds.

How report Russian publications, according to investigators, the director of the large medical firm Medstom killed his wife and children himself, after which he committed suicide.

This incident occurred shortly after Melnikov and his family returned from a holiday spent in the Maldives.

The rest of the businessman was restless – after the imposition of sanctions due to the war unleashed by the Kremlin in Ukraine, his business was on the verge of collapse. It is known that his company was engaged in the supply of imported medical equipment to Russia.

The day before, one of the employees of the company received an unexpected message from the 43-year-old director with a request to bury him where his mother was buried. “The key is under the rug, do not break the door,” was also written in this message.

According to investigators, after that the man committed a terrible crime – he killed his 41-year-old wife and children aged 10 and 4, and then committed suicide. The message was read only in the morning, after which the police were called to the scene of the tragedy.

Another version is a possible murder due to a conflict with a former partner over the distribution of business. On this occasion, lawsuits continued, and the director of Medstom hired a security guard for a while.

Recall that some Russian oligarchs are discussing the possibility physical elimination of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

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