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The family demolished the BG pubs. What a bill he showed

A family from Plovdiv, which spends its summer vacation in Greece and more specifically on the Halkidiki peninsula, shared its impressions of the prices in the restaurants there, writes Plovdiv24.bg. Here’s what they say:

“Hello! Last night we made a bill of 66 euros, and I want to clarify that the restaurant was really very good, and the prices – absolutely normal for Greece in my opinion. And since it is very fashionable to comment on this topic lately, here are the dry statistics from us – two adults and one teenager:

I didn’t take a picture of the receipt, but I literally put the order: salads – Greek, tyro, tzatziki. Appetizers – fried zucchini, fried potatoes. Mains – steamed mussels (with the shells), soufflés (pork), moussaka. Alcohol – a bottle of retsina (0.5 l), a glass of white wine (0.250 g), an ouzo cartridge (0.200 g), bread (about 0.4 kg.), water – 2 each 1 liter. The dessert was free as a compliment from the restaurant – watermelon and mini ice cream on a stick. The city is Sarti. Well, excuse me, but it’s not bad at all!”.

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