The association of parents of students La Luciérnaga of the Camacho Melendo school in Priego de Córdoba have gathered in front of the Education Delegation to demand that it enable an additional line for Children in the center.
The family spokesperson Reyes Molina, has made it clear that families are going to continue fighting for this second classroom because now they are going to leave a class with 26 children “without splits, without support, they will not be able to make small groups to be able to do psychomotricity… the quality of teaching is going to go down”.
Molina has asked “the people who are saying this, if you have children, to put your hand on your chest, think that they are your children, what happens is that your children are private and don’t think about these things, they think that you have to cut back and where you have to cut back is in other things, not in education”.
Families have been reminded that the center has 44 requests, enough for two lines, without this affecting the closure of classrooms in other centers, and that among these requests there is a high number of brothers and sisters who are already enrolled in higher courses in the center and with children with needs special educational that can be attended adequately since the center has a Specific Classroom, AL, PT and PTIS.
Thus, request that they not be denied the free choice of school and to be able to exercise the right of families to a quality education and without overcrowded classrooms while in other centers of the town they will not be. In addition, they demand that family reconciliation be favored by having all the siblings in the same family.
The concentration has had the support of CCOO Córdoba and its head of the Teaching area, Francis Coboshas pointed out that “the Education Delegation is doing the same as in many other municipalities in the province, is doing Machiavellian engineering. They no longer talk about closing lines, but what they are doing is restricting families from enrolling their sons and daughters in the school they freely choose.
That is to say, it is not that a line has been eliminated, but that the Delegation has capped the number of enrollments at 26 that the regulations establish, leaving out 17 families, some with other sons and/or daughters in the center who “bravely They have enrolled their boys and girls in the school they want them to attend, the school that is close to their homes, where they are close to their siblings, in their environment and in their neighborhood”.
“We understand that these children under the age of 3 have to interact in their immediate environment, another thing is Secondary, High School or University, but at those ages we cannot move children 3 or 4 kilometers from their environment. We are talking about 3-year-old children, many with their diapers recently removed, and the Delegation would have to make them look at this, do creative math, allow a ratio that does not exceed 20 students, which is within the law and even more so when the teacher already exists Infant School, the classroom and the facilities”, insisted Cobos.