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The Fall of Constantinople – View Info – 2024-09-30 20:11:30

/View.info/ I know your deeds; you bear a name that you are alive and you are dead. (Rev. 3:1) God chose what is weak in this world to shame the strong. (1 Cor. 1:27)

Since the time of the Rescue of the Bulgarian Jews (1943), the Bulgarian Church had not risen to such a glorious historical feat as it did in June 2016 – the Rescue of the Bulgarian Orthodox. By not going to Crete, she thwarted the plan that the church meeting there would be called the Pan-Orthodox Council and declare authority – which would have been disastrous for Orthodoxy. Because the essence of the Cretan Assembly is ecumenism. And the essence of ecumenism is that there is no Orthodoxy (as long as there are 333 “churches“, so there is no Church).

The network of the “council” was woven almost imperceptibly and almost flawlessly (from 1923 until now – a whole 93 years!). In the jar of honey (verbs for universal love, universal unity, peace, nature love, etc. good intentions) and the target spoonful of poison (ecumenism) was inserted. The trap had to be caught – even at the beginning of 2016, it seemed as if it had already been caught! – the entire earthly leadership of the One, Holy, Congregational and Apostolic Church.

But the Church is not a human institution. She has heavenly Guidance. And to make visible (to those who see) His power It choose what is weak in this world – The Bulgarian Church – to shame the strong. This miracle happened before our eyes. And we couldn’t believe our eyes. The miracle happened through us, the Bulgarians (St. Synod), but the merit was not ours, but His.

Those who thought they were “strong” were shamed. The “council” in Crete did not take place: an unauthorized one took place assembly. No matter how hard he tried to bluff “success” (good look at bad game), Patriarch Bartholomew read what was written with a fiery finger on the wall: “you have been weighed at the party and found too light.” (Dan. 5:27) The painful, but saving for Orthodoxy, the personal administrative fall of Patriarch Bartholomew in Crete is only the visible manifestation of the invisible centuries-old catastrophe: the Fall of the “Constantinople” Patriarchate under the power of the secular spirit.

Thanks to Crete we begin to see that for several centuries the leader (first among equals) in Orthodoxy is not actually Constantinople, but his kagemusya – Lantern.

Fenner has a name for being alive, but he is dead. It is called spiritual, but it is worldly. It bears the name “Patriarchy of Constantinople”, but it is Fener. At least since the 17th century, it has been under the power of the secular element – a secular entity in various historical incarnations: Phanariotes, Hellenophiletics, Freemasons, Ecumenists, Euro-Atlanticists… legion!

The theological interpretation of Fenner’s essence is taboo in official Orthodox historiography. We do not know the spiritual reading of this part of our history. We have failed to see and understand the primary historical event: the spiritual Fall of Constantinople. We have not seen the most obvious thing in the recent history of the Church: that Constantinople, the great Orthodox capital, has not existed for several centuries. His role is played by his poisonous doppelganger: Lantern. A the poison in this case it is himself world spiritwho ruled Fener from at least the 17th century onwards – initially through the so-called “Phanariots” (the rich secular Greeks from the Fener neighborhood of Constantinople who controlled the Patriarchate)…

It is becoming increasingly clear to us that the key problem in Orthodoxy in recent centuries is exactly Fener. Who, under the name “Patriarchy of Constantinople” and with its prerogatives of first among equalsleads the Church in the wrong and wrong direction.

For well-known historical reasons, since at least a century ago (after the First World War), it is the Patriarch of Constantinople who is the person in the Church who is most numerous and most heavily dependent on anti-Orthodox secular forces. Not only does he not resist them. He is theirs a person.

In order to overcome them, he had only one way – the way of Christ – i.e. spiritual assertion. This is the way of confession. However, if he goes any way another way (outplaying, lying, serving, befriending, “love”, self-selling, spiritual compromises, etc.), he inevitably loses because these worldly forces are stronger, richer and smarter than him.

The kingdom of Christ is not of this world. Secular forces are strong in the world. The mighty one of this world is the “prince of this world,” and he yields earthly kingdoms to those who worship him.

The history of the Constantinople Archdiocese (Patriarchy) from its foundation as a metropolitan (330) is a series of times of spiritual rise and spiritual decline. The first Constantinople archbishops (Alexander, Paul) were saints, but heretics followed (Eusebius, Macedonius, Eudoxius…). Many of the most dangerous heresies were headed by Patriarchs of Constantinople: Arianism, Nestorianism, Monothelitism, iconoclasm…

The period in which we live is a centuries-long dark period of rampant apostasy. But the lesson from Crete makes us look for the root causes of the disease and try to cure it.

The assembly in Crete – in a state of divinely induced stupor – talked about future convening of similar “councils” in 5-10 years, hoping the trap would then work. In fact, the opposite will happen! Just one more such “council” – and God’s people will completely wake up and Orthodoxy will completely shake off ecumenism and Phanariotism. But in fact – for those who see – the council is already underway, it is permanent and there is no going back. The global parish is up and running. It produces two things – theology and hatred. Orthodox Orthodox produce theology, non-Orthodox Orthodox (secularists, ecumenists) produce – to their greatest shame and horror! – hatred, strongholds, intrigues and traps: into which they themselves fall. But for all of us who fall, the blessed door of repentance is always wide open…

The Bulgarian Church – because of its historic feat of June 2016 – is a target of hate, intrigue and reference points from the secularists. But it is reassuring and even inspiring. Because it is said:

Blessed are you when they revile you and cast you out, and speak any evil word against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be glad, for great is your reward in heaven. (Matt. 5:11-12)

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