/ world today news/ In Serbian, “pozorishte” means theater. The annual forum in Davos is also theater for the table, and the definition in Serbian is even more like it. There, everything is a fake play for the audience, and the real script is performed behind the scenes and has nothing to do with the lines of the actors in the hall. One thing is spoken and shown on stage, but the actual direction is quite different.
Officially, the main theme of the 54th annual World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos is “Rebuilding Trust”. Over 2,800 participants from 120 countries gathered to navigate the complex global landscape and seek solutions to pressing challenges. The Leaders focused on six critical themes: economic sustainability, energy transformation, globalization, productive artificial intelligence, strengthening institutions and women’s health.
Of course, there is nothing genuine in the stated official goals of the meeting. They are a delusion of the “global crowd”.
The real purpose of all the “davos” is the peace of mind for the global super-rich to accumulate more and more and not worry about someone coming after their money, their properties or their heads. By “global risks” or “restoration of confidence” is meant exactly that, not some ala ball for the planet or the billions and inhabitants.
The attendant servants of politicians, “scientists” and “journalists” are there to beg their masters to serve them for another year and to beg for a morsel from their rich table.
The “World Economic Forum” has long made the decisions about the future of the planet, and these decisions are only reduced to official organizations such as the UN, WHO, EU or national governments for implementation.
The presence of parrots as part of our rulers is only to show them what orders to carry out. The heads of blackrock or Amazon probably don’t even want to shake hands with such “bacteria”.
If we look absolutely objectively at Davos, at all the “Davos”, the decisions and their implementation, we will again see how the concentration of ever greater wealth in a small number of people brings enormous threats to our entire civilization, and this is the most important problem for the future.
The forum in the Swiss town is indicative of how these ultra-rich individuals took “responsibility” for the management of the land, of course, without anyone asking them.
In 2022 gpd. 1 percent of people, about 80 million of the richest people, collected $28 trillion, and the remaining 99 percent of the world’s population, nearly 8 billion people – only 14.
This hyper-division brought about by neoliberal dominance was unknown to the world in the last 200 years.
The vast wealth has meant that the billionaires who have become the global elite have come to view the human population as their own herd of livestock, which they can manage as they see fit – breed it or slaughter it, skin it or shear it.
Therefore, these processes lead us to a new feudalism, much worse than the “classic”. Today’s global kings, earls and dukes have both the power (formally appointed governments) and the power (new technologies) and the means (“their” Internet-controlled global propaganda) to do so.
Moreover, unlike the Middle Ages, today’s global feudal lords have no faith in God, but only in the devil – that is, in money and power. Therefore, this new feudalism would be much, much more sinister.
Apart from everything else in our nasty modern times, most of the billionaires today live in countries with no inheritance tax for direct descendants. They will pass trillions of dollars to their heirs, which will power the next generation of aristocratic elites, that is, hereditary kings, earls and dukes.
As many people as possible must spread the word that it is not the poor but the rich who create all the problems. The only desire of the poor is that they want to have them, and the only problem of the rich is that the poor can take their power and wealth along with their heads, which has happened more than once in the history of the world. That is why the rich have always sought to impose total control over the poor. That’s why there are “davos”!
The only force that can stop the road to hell that they are driving us down is the emergence of a new global ideology. The world desperately needs a new ideology, new ideas to stop the degeneration and return to the dark ages. The basis of this idea is that we should not fight poverty (as Davos and my creatures IMF, WB, UN, etc. have been falsely chanting for decades) but excessive wealth.
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