Home » today » World » The faithful ask about the pope’s health. Francis has already planned his funeral

The faithful ask about the pope’s health. Francis has already planned his funeral

Pope Francis has fallen ill several times recently. Speculation around his health continues. The 87-year-old Pope does not hide the fact that he is ready to die, and the plans for his funeral are refined in every detail.

Author: AP PHOTO/ALESSANDRA TARANTINO The faithful ask about the pope’s health. Francis I has already planned his funeral

Pope Francis’ health is deteriorating

Pope Francis, who at the beginning of his pontificate aroused enthusiasm for departing from certain ossified church frameworks, over time began to arouse more and more mixed emotions among the faithful, especially in the context of his statements about the war in Ukraine.

Recently, the eyes of Catholics have turned towards the Pope and the Vatican also due to repeated messages about the Pope’s poor health, which could also be noticed during some public appearances.

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The Pope absent on the Way of the Cross

The Pope has been suffering from health problems for several years now. In 2021, he underwent surgery and had a part of his intestine removed. In turn, in 2023, he underwent another surgery, this time due to an abdominal hernia.

During Easter this year, Pope Francis canceled his participation in the traditional Way of the Cross at the Colosseum at the last minute. He is said to be struggling with respiratory infections, and his speech problems were also noticeable.

This is not the first time that the Pope has been forced to cancel his participation in a previously planned event or meeting due to his health condition. It also happened that instead of walking, Franciszek was transported in a wheelchair. In this way, he participated, among others, at the funeral of Benedict XVI, the senior pope.

Pope Francis planned his funeral

Francis I does not hide the fact that thoughts about death accompany him in the last years of his life. He revealed that the details of his funeral have already been arranged.

In a river interview, published as a book “El Sucesor” (“The Successor”), he revealed that his body would not be displayed on a catafalque, but would rest, as he put it, “with dignity” in a coffin. Pope Francis indicated the basilica of St. Mary Major in Rome, outside the Vatican, as the burial place.

He also pointed out that he expected only one vigil (instead of two) and that he did not want an additional ceremony accompanying the closing of the coffin. – I talked to the master of ceremonies […] They confirmed to me that all is ready – emphasizes Pope Francis I, speaking about his funeral.

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