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The fair of BMA (Obzor) ended with a declaration to stop the issuance of fake certificates and renewed management

324 out of 400 delegates voted in favor of Dr. Ivan Madjarov and he remains chairman for a second 3-year term

Pediatric surgeon Assoc. Prof. Hristo Shivachev replaced his colleague Prof. Nikolay Gabrovski as Deputy Chief

The first job of the new management is to set priorities and start talks with the fund for the National Framework Agreement.

The 72nd meeting of the Bulgarian Medical Union ended with a declaration calling on the control bodies to take the necessary measures and to stop the illegal practices for issuing fake vaccination certificates. At it, all 400 delegates voted on the composition of the new leadership and board for the next 3-year term.

They insist that there be a penalty not only for those who issue such a document but also for those who use it.

“The use of fake vaccination documents puts the health of the whole society at risk and puts a stain on our country. The document does not save lives!” The doctors said in their declaration.

“This is something very dangerous that would put the country in quarantine from other European countries if we continue in the same way. Therefore, from the rostrum of the 72nd Council of the Bulgarian Medical Union, we strongly disagreed with these colleagues and insist on urgent measures. to establish and end these practices and for everyone to receive fair retribution – both those who have decided to use such a certificate and those who issue it because the document does not cure, and moreover, misleads and distorts the statistics “, commented the re-elected chairman with the votes of 324 out of a total of 400 delegates Dr. Ivan Madjarov after the end of the fair.

In their declaration, the doctors also called on the society to be vaccinated

“Bulgaria is entering the peak of Kovid’s fourth wave
the epidemic and the only known way to protect ourselves so far is the vaccine. We call on those who have not yet done so not to hesitate. Let’s defend ourselves from the insidious disease that took nearly 20,000 lives, of which more than 120 were medics. We, the doctors. we have already set an example and over 70% of us have been vaccinated. Together with the sick colleagues, we are about 90 percent protected medics. We did all this in the interest of the patients and their health “, they point out and recall the data of the Ministry of Health that for the period from March 1 to September 14 a total of 9494 people died with COVID-19, of which 64, or 0.67 %, had completed a vaccination course.The hospitalized for the same period were only 7.2% of all obpo 6488 people.

For the first time, there was no other candidate for chairman of the Medical Union, apart from the current Dr. Madjarov. His candidacy was nominated by 3 of the major medical colleges – Sofia, Plovdiv and Stara Zagora.

Dr. Madjarov plans to convene the management board on Monday and outline the main priorities that will stand for the good of the medics and patients as the first action in his second term.

“The work is yet to come,” he said in his first statement since the presidency.

A meeting with the health insurance fund will be scheduled for next week or the next week, with which the talks on the annexes to the framework contract for next year will begin. However, due to the complex political situation, this will be a rather difficult process this year, because a new government would be formed at the earliest at the end of November and less than a month later to adopt the 2022 budget, and thus and negotiating the distribution of money to the health insurance fund.

Initially, however, the doctors’ union and the social security fund must decide how to allocate the additional funds to the fund that the fund received after the budget update.

“We need to see how to make this money reach our colleagues and start talks for next year, although there is no parliament and the situation is pre-election, but in the end we must act,” said Dr. Madjarov.

Among the tasks of the medical union is to monitor how the COVID areas will work, for which a new procedure has already been prescribed, providing free examinations and medicines for patients with coronavirus infection who do not need hospitalization.

The topic of the obligatory vaccination of the medics was not raised at the fair, Dr. Madjarov answered a question from “24 Chasa”. The reason – only 1 in 400 delegates had to take a test, and all the others were vaccinated or got sick, he explained.

“It is not worth raising the issue among colleagues who are 100% with a green certificate. Bulgarian doctors do not differ from their colleagues abroad, unlike the rest of society. Anti-vaccination sentiments are much higher in Bulgaria than in others. We will try to change this trend, although it will be difficult, “he added.

In addition to the chairman, the delegates also elected the new composition of his deputies, the board of directors, the professional ethics committee and the control committee.

Five candidates contested the battle for Deputy Chairmen of the Management Board – the current Dr. Nikolay Branzalov and Prof. Nikolay Gabrovski, as well as Assoc. Prof. Hristo Shivachev, Dr. Stoyan Borisov and Assoc. Prof. Kiril Karamfilov.

The general practitioner Dr. Nikolay Branzalov was re-elected, and his colleague from “Pirogov” – the pediatric surgeon Assoc. Prof. Hristo Shivachev stood on the meat of Prof. Nikolay Gabrovski.

The current Secretary General, Dr. Stoyan Borisov, already had two terms in office and could not run for office. Dr. Valentin Peev was elected in his place.

The other members of the Management Board are Dr. Vanya Dobreva, Dr. Nikolay Kolev, Dr. Gergana Nikolova, Dr. Valeri Veselinov, Dr. Rosen Aikov, Assoc. Prof. Stoyan Sopotenski, Dr. Yordan Gechev, Dr. Ivo Parunov, Dr. Janina Kalinkova, Prof. Milena Staneva, Prof. Ognyan Hadjiiski.

Dr. Metodi Kunchev was elected Chairman of the Control Commission, and Prof. Maya Argirova was elected Chairman of the Central Commission for Professional Ethics.

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