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The Failure of NPO 3FM: A Breakdown of the Biggest Radio Failure of the Moment

[BLOG] Year after year, more money is pumped into it, at the expense of successful stations such as FunX, NPO Radio 2 and 5. All this under the auspices of the man who has been in charge since the autumn of 2016: NPO audio boss Jurre Bosman. He is responsible for the programming of the NPO radio channels and online content. However, he seems to be more concerned with politics, diversity and securing his own position. In the meantime, Bosman keeps saying ‘there is work to be done’ but nothing changes. At most, some smoke screens will be thrown up, in the form of a new online station and yet another podcast platform, this time with only NPO material. Let us again, after the Telegraaf article by Jordi Versteegdenlet’s dive a little deeper into the biggest radio failure of the moment: 3FM, with 1.6% market share.

The reason why it is good that the failure of NPO 3FM for many years now is being viewed with extreme criticism is simple: there are actually three, how appropriate. Firstly, a lot of radio listeners are being harmed by the wrong policy of the NPO top. There is clearly little interest in the current 3FM, partly due to the aging of the population and the disinterest of young people in turning on the station. So you disadvantage many older listeners who appreciate a station like NPO Radio 5, enjoy it everywhere and therefore also on FM, but can only receive it via DAB+. Secondly, it obviously costs a lot of money to artificially keep a patient alive who should have been unplugged at least a year ago. A total budget of 7.8 million euros! NPO boss Bosman does not get any further than the idea ‘otherwise we should move the Top 2000 to 3FM?’. And more money still needs to go. Because: We want more! Yep, have fun sucking on Father State’s tit. Which brings me to reason number three: the Dutch radio market is being badly damaged by the unnecessary 3FM, which still prides itself on having a ‘signalling function’ of new music and artists. While every right-thinking person knows that as a station you are following nowadays, the youth discover music themselves on music platforms and TikTok.

Why the NPO youth channel that does score, FunX, is not included in the listening survey is simple: it would be very striking that they managed to reach the intended target group with half of this budget. That is why press releases from this station with success stories are no longer sent. But the man who made FunX so popular, Niels Hoogland, is quickly replaced by a (dark) woman with less experience, after which Niels leaves for 538 again. Nice woman whose CV is nothing compared to the extremely experienced Laurens Borst at NPO Radio 1 and a woman at the helm of NPO Radio 4. Talpa radio boss Dave Minneboo was in the race for 3FM, just like current Kink boss Michiel Veenstra, but no. Jurre prefers to have marbles among him who do not contradict his meager plans. If you do, a nice exit will be found for you, via the side door.

The 3FM brand is broken and reminds me most of a nightclub from the Zeroes that, despite almost no visitors, still throws its doors open every weekend. If Jurre had his way, he would organize a foam party every weekend and a beach party the following week. Speaking of parties: we see 3FM’s channel coordinator Menno de Boer going crazy on social media during the weekend, with his torso bare-chested. Pretending and flogging a dead horse for a ton of tax money a year is something I would also like to celebrate every weekend! If his boss Bosman was the boss at the Dutch Railways, the steam trains would still run and we would still have coal mines in Limburg. My God, how old-fashioned, zero innovation and constant clinging to the old. Channel coordinators Sharid Alles, Klaske Tameling, Simone Meijer, Chanieva Rier: all no threat to Bosman. And now quickly launch a station with hip hop and soul, wonderful! Look at us innovating. It is a godforsaken shame that 3FM still broadcasts, costs so much money with the best FM coverage in the Netherlands. And the commercial channels are struggling with high reception costs in barely half of our country. That’s fucked up and unfair.

The reason that NPO Radio 5 does not come on the frequencies of 3FM is simple: that could cost NPO Radio 2 a few percent of the market share. And Bosman does not want that, because it is bad for his career: now he can still hide behind the fact that the NPO is the market leader in the listening figures with 2. But that should not be the point at all. You are a PUBLIC broadcaster and so you should simply serve the Dutch public as much as possible, not worry about your own vanity and cover up the mistake you made at the time by emptying 3FM so much. We are simply witnessing a one-man action in which one person does not want to admit he is wrong and is therefore allowed to evaporate a very large mountain of tax money year after year. Unbelievable that this is allowed to continue. Is there no one on the board of the Dutch Public Broadcaster who realizes this and better yet: puts an end to it?

Patrick Kicken

2023-11-13 20:46:44
#Patrick #Kicken #work #3FM #partly #due #ultimately #responsible #Jurre #Bosman #Spreekbuis.nl

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