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The faces are identical. Family, country and language each his own. How the twins met after 13 years of separation

Somewhere in the world there is another like me

A girl, named Solimeni, was placed in an orphanage by her poor mother. The other, Nguyen, the sicker of the two girls, was adopted by her sister and her partner. The couple, who lived in a rural village, loved and raised Nguyen as their own daughter.

Solimeni was adopted at the age of four by an American couple from Chicago. They had flown to Vietnam with the dream of expanding their family. They visited an orphanage, chose Solimeni, and she grew up in the United States with five siblings.

Both Nguyen’s and Solimeni’s adoptive parents did not hide from the girls that they were adopted. They – one in Vietnam, the other in America – knew they were twins. But they were both too young to think about any meeting or communication.

“I was curious, I wanted to know more about my twin sister. I knew she lived in America,” says Nguyen.

But she grew up thinking that she would probably never go to America and probably never meet her twin sister.

Solimeni also thought of her twin sister in America from time to time. But he didn’t feel too much desire to get acquainted, it was just a strange feeling: somewhere in the world there is another girl, exactly like her …

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