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the Facebook page of a successful Périgourdine

With the sponsorship of Sophie Darel and Michel Drucker, Delphine Dupré-Lévêque runs this online page which offers videos every day to residents of nursing homes.

“When the first confinement was announced [NDLR : lié à la pandémie de Covid], I said to myself: “It’s not possible”. Even if, physically, we can no longer go to nursing homes, something must be done for those who live there. 70% of residents do not have a telephone. These words are from Delphine Dupré-Lévêque, Périgord and specialist in nursing homes. Right after this observation, she called for help the famous television host Sophie Darel, whom she already knew. Thus was born, on March 18, 2020, the Facebook page called “Stop isolation” (which can now also be found on Smartrezo.com ).

>> To read also: Delphine Dupré-Lévêque has been studying life in nursing homes for more than thirty years

Celebrities and anonymous having fun

Very quickly, Michel Drucker sent them videos every week, joined by other stars passed on the set of “Vivement dimanche”, from Lara Fabian to Hervé Villard or Pierre Perret. And even the very faithful Marseille transformist Ziz.

From Lara Fabian to Hervé Villard or Pierre Perret, many stars are participating in this momentum

“At the beginning, we did as we could, with cell phones. In nursing homes, it is the facilitators who go around the residents with tablets, ”says the designer. “People told us: ‘Your videos, it makes us feel good”. So we continued. “

300,000 visitors

Almost a year later, the page claims more than 300,000 visitors and is targeting 500,000. Every day, whether in Paris or Périgueux, Delphine Dupré-Lévêque posts a program at 11 o’clock: “J’y passe au at least two hours a day when I wake up very early and all my weekends. “

Songs, news, humor, photos of gardens and travels, you can find everything there and it’s carried out by stars or anonymous people in nursing homes who have fun – not to be missed, a parody of “Bronzés font du ski” .

It is a vast network of volunteers that is active and growing. The family is helping to make the videos and students of Efap communication school participate in running “Stop isolation”. An association, Agissons grandissons ensemble solidaire (Ages), was created as a support. The page has even been referenced by the Ministry of Health and receives messages from Brigitte Bourguignon, Minister responsible for Autonomy.

Everyone can participate in the network, simply and at any age: just send messages via the Facebook page. There is always someone who answers.

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