Home » today » World » The eye prosthesis of the future relies on the 3D method. The Brit tried it first

The eye prosthesis of the future relies on the 3D method. The Brit tried it first

The 47-year-old British engineer Steve Verz was implanted with a digitally created replacement eye on Thursday. Doctors consider the digitally developed eye to be “more realistic than other alternatives and less invasive,” according to a statement from Moorfield Eye Hospital.

While inserting a traditional acrylic prosthesis into a dimple requires the creation of a mold according to which the eye itself is subsequently made, to develop a 3D model, it is sufficient to digitally scan the patient’s dimple. To make the eye look identical to the healthy one, the developers are also scanning the other eye, he informs American CNN.

It is the identity of both eyes that points out the Verz itself. “I’ve needed a prosthesis since I was twenty, and I’ve always been aware of it. When I left the house, I always looked in the mirror a second time and I didn’t like what I saw. The new eye looks fantastic, “he commented on the change in the look.

According to a London hospital, a 3D eye prosthesis could reduce the waiting time for its production from six weeks to two to three. “We hope that the upcoming clinical trial will provide us with solid evidence of the value of this new technology and show the difference it makes for patients,” said Professor Mandeep Sagoo, who was in charge of the entire project.

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