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The explanation that Ankara is eagerly waiting for! Here is the latest situation in dams


AnkaraThe amount of remaining water, calculated as 110 days in the measurements made in the dams in 2 January, has increased slightly with the falling rainfall in the last days. According to the data obtained on 24 March after the rains in this period, the amount of water increased for 10 days.

In the dams that supply water to the city, the active rate measured as 22.90 percent on 24 March 2019 and 20.40 percent on 24 March 2020 fullness rate was recorded as 10.29 percent on 24 March this year.


New type coronavirus The (Kovid-19) epidemic increased water consumption in residential buildings. While residential water subscribers consumed 213 million cubic meters of water in 2019, this amount increased to 237 million cubic meters in 2020, when curfews were imposed within the scope of Kovid-19 measures.

Speaking to Anadolu Agency (AA) at the Kurtboğazı Dam, Erdoğan Öztürk, General Manager of the Ankara Water and Sewerage Administration (ASKİ), reminded that there are 11 dams that supply water to the capital.


Stating that the rains, which have been effective recently in the city, positively affected the occupancy rate in the dams, Öztürk said, “We have received about 20 million cubic meters of water in our dams in the last 3 days. The falling snow has been effective. In other words, the remaining water amount, which we call those 110 days, has now been carried to 120 days.” he spoke.


On the other hand, with the rainy weather in Istanbul showing the effect dam Occupancy rates also increased. After the rains, the dam occupancy rate in Istanbul exceeded 70 percent.


Öztürk stated that they do not take the Kesikköprü Dam into consideration while giving these figures and said that the energy cost reached serious figures during the pumping process from this dam. Pointing out that water is taken from Kesiköprü with 5 pumps, Öztürk stated that the energy cost of each pump is 5 million Turkish lira, “This is why we do not prefer it. Otherwise, there is no cloudy water from the faucets of any subscriber in Ankara today, there is no calcification in the faucets. In our Drinking Water Treatment Plant, we built a clarifier and new filter units and a lime unit in order to prevent corrosion, so our concern is not the quality of the water but the energy expense we spend. Normally, there is a certain amount of water under the water intake structure in dam reservoirs. We can use a certain amount of it. We also have the chance to transfer water from here to our transmission channels by applying certain procedures. said.



Drawing attention to the importance of efficient water use, Öztürk stated that they are carrying out projects aimed at promoting water saving with mukhtars and non-governmental organizations.

Pointing out the importance of the people engaged in agriculture to use water economically, Öztürk said:

“I would like to warn our farmers about something. There is an application called dry agricultural irrigation. Instead of giving water directly to the soil and feeding the soil, we have practices such as giving the water directly to the seedling with dry farming. With such practices, there is a very serious yield in products such as tomatoes, cucumbers and eggplants. Drinking water is our priority. Therefore, we strongly recommend dry agricultural irrigation in order to prevent our citizens who are engaged in agriculture tomorrow. In order for our citizens not to suffer tomorrow, they need to create sensitivity.

Explaining that they are continuing to work on converting the drinking water transmission line and open-flowing sewage systems into a closed system in rural areas of the capital’s 15 districts, Öztürk said, “As a result of the plans we made in Ankara, 220 kilometers of asbestos lines were issued. Tenders were made for cleaning them. With the emergence of PVC lines that have completed their life, which is not known at all, it has exceeded 400 kilometers. used the expression.



Saying that the capacity increase is needed in İvedik and Tatlar treatment plants, and maintenance-repair and renewal is needed in drinking water tanks, Öztürk said that İvedik currently consists of 3 units, and its treatment capacity, which is currently around 1 million 600 thousand cubic meters, is 2 million cubic meters per day with the 4th unit. He announced that he would rise above it.

Öztürk said, “Currently, there are more than 1400 drinking water tanks in Ankara. Nearly 800 of them are unavailable. We will solve most of them this year. We designed the second stage expansion of our Tatlar Waste Water Treatment Plant this year and built in the second half of the year. We are planning to bid for the job. Currently, we have a daily treatment capacity of 765 thousand cubic meters. We have to increase this to over 1 million cubic meters. ” said.

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