Home » World » The experiments with the extreme right and the sufferings that are not lessons – 2024-04-26 04:18:26

The experiments with the extreme right and the sufferings that are not lessons – 2024-04-26 04:18:26

Under the current circumstances, in Greece and in Europe, a question is raised by the obsession with trying to manage socio-political issues through judicial means. The most important of these controversial political issues of the time, especially in view of the European elections, is the rise of the extreme right, in whatever version it manifests itself in the EU member states.

The experiment took place for the first time in the national elections of 2023. Legislation was drawn up and passed to exclude from the elections Golden Dawn, were finally implemented, but failed, as the Golden Dawn mutated into something else and managed to enter Parliament, in the mantle of the Spartans. Crucial detail, like it or not: With someone’s votes.

Many, more or less comic tragedies followed, the parliamentary presence of the new far-right mutation was shown for what it was, legal procedures of a different type followed and today we are faced with the same legal-political experiment: To prohibit the descent of the Spartans in the European elections, with the same legal appeal.

This is the repetition of the same legal experiment. Only in legal science, the failure of the first experiment, should lead to serious considerations as to the feasibility of the new attempt. It’s simple why: Even if you wipe out the party, you can’t wipe out its voters. And the worst thing is, on a pan-European level, that as much as you think you will make them disappear, you don’t seem to understand why they exist. You think you’re fighting the problem, when in fact you can’t even deal with the symptom. And at the same time, the problem flares up.

In this case, the submission of memoranda by the parties regarding the non-participation of the Spartans in the European elections, raises another type of questions.

Assuming this will happen, what will be the political consequence?

At best, the Spartans won’t elect an MEP – if they were to think they had any chance of electing one.

But it is a predetermined development, that the votes of the excluded Spartans will be directed either, by and large, towards the Greek solutionor to Win.

As for PaSoK, the question is why he decides to lead this effort. Given that he is not going to receive votes from this area, the logical conclusion is that his leadership does not care whether the far right will be strengthened, in whatever form, as long as the government is hurt.

About the governmentthe question has other characteristics.

And since she cannot help but see that the communicating vessels of the extreme right will lead to the electoral benefit of the Greek Solution, the question is whether she does not care so much if this finally happens.

However, these votes are there and they exist for a reason. No one deals with him and this is perhaps the most dangerous.

#experiments #extreme #sufferings #lessons

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