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The Expensive Illusion of Helping the Poor: VVD’s Ineffective Excise Tax Discount


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VVD faction leader Sophie Hermans can give tear-jerking speeches about it: about Dutch people with a small income who will no longer be able to make ends meet next year because the excise tax discount is in danger of being abolished.

Arjen Lubach is very annoyed by this pompous populism from the VVD. “It’s clear what Sophie Hermans is doing, because everyone hates paying a lot for petrol. Even the simple multimillionaire does not know what he is experiencing,” he says before showing a video of a complaining Frans Bauer.

In practice, maintaining the excise tax discount is a very expensive and cumbersome way to help the lowest incomes, Lubach explains. The majority of this fossil subsidy ends up with the richest Dutch people, who have many more (large) cars and also drive much more often.

“If the VVD finally does something for the poor, five euros for every euro also goes to the rich,” is how the presenter of the Evening Show summarizes the VVD plan. “If the VVD ever sets up a food bank, for every can of soup, a bottle of champagne will also go to a millionaire.”

2023-09-21 12:50:31
#Pump #populism #VVD #subsidizes #petrol #simple #millionaire #Joop #BNNVARA

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