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The Expanding World of Entertainment on Twitch: Gaming, Shows, Sports, Travel, and More!

Twitch offers more and more types of live content, the platform has become the new television for young people. But what type of entertainment does the platform offer today?

The American streaming platform Twitch has become, in the space of 10 years, an essential site for broadcasting live video content. Unlike television channels, this new media is constantly increasing audiences around the world.

In 2022, according to Twitch datathe platform welcomes 35 million daily visitors with 70% of the audience having between 18 and 34 years old. Additionally, the average audience connected to the platform is around 2.5 million viewers.

In its early days, Twitch was a platform reserved for streaming video game content, but this is no longer the case today with many other forms of entertainment available.

Twitch: A source of infinite content?

One of the particularities of Twitch is that the viewer can be the broadcaster at the same time. Indeed, the platform is open to everyone wishing to perform live. Often all you need is a microphone, screen capture or streaming software, a camera (not obligatory) and above all, creativity.

The fact that it is so easy to start streaming with the tools and technologies available today, the number of people streaming content on Twitch has exploded. It’s more than 7 million unique streamers which are live every month.

So, with this immense number of live content creators, what type of entertainment does the streaming platform offer?

Gaming galore

First of all, Twitch made its debut on the internet with video games, so it’s no surprise that we find the vast majority on the gaming platform.

In this category we find streamers sharing their experience and gameplay on almost all existing games.

This could be a streamer who discovers a single player, a professional player on a competitive game, a speedrunner who tries to break records on a retro game, streamers playing “party games” together, the list is so exhaustive that we cannot cite everything.

There are also esports competitions with the broadcast of leagues, matches, tournaments of all kinds, on numerous games such as League of Legends, Rocket League, CS GO to name only the most important.

We can also see board games as role-playing games such as Game of Role or Table Quest.

Streamers on casino games or poker videos to progress where you can follow professional players or streamers in tournaments with big payouts like the World Series of Poker.

Or even chess competitions with the broadcast of amateur and professional tournaments whether online or on site.

Content Examples

OTP LoL : Broadcast of esport competitions linked to the League of Legends game.
Lightning Stream : passionate chess streamer.
JL Tomy : Offers Role play on GTA V
RocKy : esports player on FIFA
MrBboy45 : Fun streamer playing all types of games.
Maghla : Multi-game streamer

Shows & podcasts

In the past, streamers on the platform were often in their rooms filming themselves with a webcam and headset microphone to make themselves heard. This has also evolved and now we find well-produced programs with technical means like on television channels.

We also find “podcasts” filmed as we can see on the radio for example. As for the list of subjects and programs offered, this is also very vast, ranging from cooking shows to the broadcast of political talks, including TV game shows and even interviews with personalities.

Content Examples

Jean Massiet : Streamer dealing with political news.
Zack Nani : Streamer offering interviews with interesting personalities.
Popcorn: Talk show on various subjects.
Gastronogeek : Streamer offering cooking shows.
Octopus : Podcast on cultural news.
stars : Offers general culture programs and museum visits.

Sports on Twitch

This is not the most represented category on Twitch, however we find Twitch channels offering activities relating to sport, whether it is the broadcasting of competitions, sports commentary, the creation of events around sport or even coaches offering live classes.

Content Examples

Rivenzi : Streamer following sports competitions (Rugby, Tennis, cycling, etc.).
RMCSport : TV channel offering broadcasts of competitions (Football, MMA, etc.).
Domingo : Streamer creating events around sport in a fun way.
TrashTalkFr : Media on the broadcast of basketball matches.
Margauxfitpro : Teacher giving Pilates classes.

IRL: Travel and discovery

The platform also allows you to attend discoveries of places, countries and events taking place live.

Live “IRL” contains all forms of live action that does not take place in an enclosed space. It is possible to follow streamers discovering a country and follow an event as if you were there.

Content Examples

PapeSan: Streamer traveling alone in lots of different countries.
Trinity : Streamer going around the world in a van.
Expat in spite of himself : Road Trip in Thailand and Asia.
CitronViolet : streamer traveling in Japan.

Other categories

There are still many categories on Twitch likeart with the creation of music, films and paintings, the IT development (software & games), craft class like pottery or sewing. In fact, the themes covered live on Twitch depend on the creators of the platform and their passion, their creativity and their desires.

There are a multitude of sources of entertainment, however the platform does not often highlight “ petits streamers » so you have to be curious!

2023-10-03 21:50:11
#Twitch #type #entertainment #platform #offer

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