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The existence of an underwater volcano is scientifically proven and listed in the Koran: Okezone techno

JAKARTA – A number of scientist in the past, found that volcanic mountains exist throughout the oceans for thousands of kilometers.

They call these as underwater mountains. However, it turns out that this has long been expressed in the holy book of the Koran. Then also explained according to science.

In the book ‘Miracles of Al-Qur’an and As-Sunnah’ it is explained that these mountains were formed as a result of violent volcanic eruptions.

There is a giant network of geological shifts that crack the Earth’s rocky crust and circle the fissures caused by the cracks. This shift is mainly centered on the seabed.

The network of geological shifts stretches for more than 64,000 kilometers and reaches a depth of about 65 kilometers through the rocky crust. The shift network reaches a soft layer known as the soft zone (asthenosphere).

In the asthenosphere, the rock is in a partially melted state with relatively high density and adhesion. Hot currents drove tons of melted rock to the bottom of the ocean.

Then these rocks also go to the bottom of some oceans such as the Red Sea with temperatures reaching more than 1,000 degrees Celsius.

This rock, which is estimated at millions of tons, then pushes sea water to the right and left. This phenomenon is known to scientists as the expansion and reshaping of the seabed and oceans.

The area resulting from the expansion process was filled with magma, resulting in the emergence of fires on the ocean floor and some areas of the seabed.

This is as Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala says in the holy book of the Qur’an in Surah At-Tur Verses 1 to 8.

and phase

and written booksۙ

In the book

and al-Bayt al-Ma`murۙ

and the raised ceiling

and the sea of ​​distressۙ

The torment of your Lord is realۙ

He has no motiveۙ

“By the mountains, and the written Book, on the open page, and by the House of Ma’mur, and the raised roof (heaven), and the sea in whose soil there is fire, verily the punishment of your Lord will surely come, no one can resist it .” (QS. At-Tur: 1–8)

The fact that there is fire in the sea has been mentioned in the Qur’an since 14 centuries ago, long before humans knew advanced technology to be able to research and find the existence of fire in the sea.

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