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The exercises to lose belly that you can safely do at home

If you can’t find the time to go to the gym, here are some useful exercises to lose belly that you can do at home.

Donna in forma (Pixabay)

Even though the pandemic situation has settled, we are not quite out of it yet. But now, after two years, we have learned to get used to this new reality, which has also brought with it new routines and behaviors.

The world of fitness, like many other sectors, it was hit by the health emergency and even today many of us have not yet set foot in a gym. Some due to lack of time, others because they do not yet feel completely safe and still others because they have become accustomed to new habits.

Among these is the tendency to exercise outdoors or to House. If you are also part of this group of people, then these exercises to lose your belly will certainly be useful to you to do comfortably at home. Let’s see them together.

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Losing your belly: here are 5 exercises you can do comfortably at home

If lack of time was always your best excuse, now you won’t have any more. Exercising at home is vastly beneficial for several reasons. In addition to saving time, it also allows you to concentrate better, avoiding any distractions.

abdominal mat exercises
Woman doing situps on the mat (Pixabay)

Even if you are not an expert, there are now a lot of applications for the phone and websites that you can rely on to better follow the movements of the instructors who with video they will show you the ideal positions and the mistakes not to make to avoid injuries.

Among the exercises you can do at home, as well as a very particular exercise that we talked about in the article Exercises to do at home, the benefits of balancing on one foot, there are also those to miss out on belly. It is one of the most sought after and requested goals in the world of fitness, precisely because it is also one of the most difficult challenges to win.

Losing your belly is not easy at all. This can form as a result of the accumulation of subcutaneous fat or due to an accentuated curvature of the spine. In the latter case, posture can make a difference. So if you haven’t found the ideal workout for you yet and you want to lose your belly, here are 5 exercises that you can do comfortably at home.

Exercises to do at home to lose belly: Burpee

The burpee it is an exercise that involves the whole body, which is why it is so good but at the same time it hurts. This exercise exercises the main muscle groups, i.e. thighs, back or chest, as well as the smaller muscles of the torso, arms and shoulders. The burpee is therefore made up of several steps:

  1. Starting from a standing position, go into squats.
  2. Bend your torso and knees forward until your hands are resting on the ground (squat thrust).
  3. Do a push-up.
  4. With a jump, bring the feet back to both sides of the hands (frog jump).
  5. Stand up and finish the exercise with a vertical jump bringing your hands up (jump squat).

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If you have any doubts about how to do the burpee, the tutorial below can help you understand how to do it best.

Exercises to do at home to lose belly: hypopressive abdominals

Another useful exercise to do at home to lose belly is the abdominal muscles hypopressive. In addition to being able to make you have a flat stomach, they are also useful for women to prevent weakening of the floor pelvic. During this exercise the breathing is critical. Follow these steps carefully:

  1. Lie down on a mat and place your knees half-flexed and pelvis tilted.
  2. Inhale the air with your nose and release it with your mouth for a count of six, you will notice that the belly will harden.
  3. After the third breath and after releasing the air, hold it for at least 8 seconds with the tongue glued to the roof of the mouth.
  4. Finally, stretch your arms and legs.

Also in this case a tutorial may be useful to better understand how to do this exercise.

Exercises to do at home to lose belly: plank

While there may not be a link, planks are key to losing a belly. The plank it is also a useful exercise for strengthen the trunk area, back, legs, buttocks, chest and shoulders. They are in fact able to improve posture and prevent pain in the back.

So lie down on the mat with your forearms on the ground and parallel. The elbows should be below the shoulders and the hips completely straight. The whole center of the body must be taut and able to form a straight line.

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Unfortunately, if the plank is done badly, it can cause serious problems. This is why this video can be useful to you as it will show you how to do the plank correctly and avoid common mistakes.

Exercises to do at home to lose belly: skipping rope

You also did it as a child but then you didn’t know how much good it could do you. The leap of the ropeBesides being fun, it is in fact one of the best fitness exercises you can do at home to lose your belly. The only thing you need is a rope and adequate space if you want to avoid doing damage around the house.

With this exercise we urge everyone at the same time muscles and we improve coordination, as well as strengthen cardiovascular endurance. There are several variations of this exercise. You can decide to jump with your feet together, with only one or with alternating feet. Progressively increasing the speed can be helpful in improving the resistence.

However, if you never played with the rope as a child, don’t worry, you can learn at any age! With this tutorial you will quickly learn how to jump rope by applying the correct movements.

Exercises to do at home to lose belly: push-ups

The last useful exercise to do at home to lose the belly is the push ups. With this exercise you are going to train your pectorals and triceps. To begin, lie down on the mat, with your arms at an angle and palms flat on the floor and close to your chest.

The elbows, on the other hand, must be turned backwards, in a natural position. Begin the exercise by lifting your body up until your arms are full expanses. Then it returns to the starting position until it touches the surface again.

For the exercise to be effective, try to keep your back straight like a board, squeezing the hips, heels and shoulders. Errors are common here too, so if you have any doubts you can watch this tutorial for beginners. This way you will avoid getting hurt and the results will be assured.

Now that you know what the 5 main exercises to lose belly are, all you have to do is fight laziness and get to work! If you want to successfully pass the swimsuit test I assure you that by following these exercises constantly you will say goodbye to your belly before the summer! And if you want to test yourself, you can do it physical activity at home putting into practice additional and always new exercises depending on the area you want to work on.

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