Home » today » Sport » The exco of the PSSI has asked to accept the resignation through KLB, Hasani Abdulgani: it is not true! : Okezone ball

The exco of the PSSI has asked to accept the resignation through KLB, Hasani Abdulgani: it is not true! : Okezone ball

SALAH a member of Exco PSSI, Hasani Abdulgani, denied reports that all Excos have agreed to resign via the Extraordinary Congress (KLB). Confirmed the man who has been entrusted with the naturalization process of hereditary players, Exco PSSI currently fully supports the acceleration of PSSI outbreaks.

Currently, the ranks of Exco and PSSI do not want to be branded as having quit their jobs by deciding to step down. Their current task is to lead to the implementation of the KLB which is looking for the general president, general vice president and members of the PSSI Exco.

(Hasani Abdulgani, member of Exco PSSI)

“Not so. The truth is that all Excos have agreed to accelerate the epidemic,” Hasani Abdulgani told MNC Portal Indonesia via text message on Monday (10/31/2022).

Hasani Abdulgani stressed that there was no decision before the KLB was held. Because, the function of the KLB is not about one party making decisions unilaterally.

He continued, the status of all Exco members in the future will depend on the organization of the KLB thereafter. Hasani Abdulgani stressed that he and other Exco members were ready to make the KLB a success.

“The KLB has chosen the new Exco and Ketum. Our job (currently) is to bring them to the KLB, “Hasani added.

Previously, it was reported that all Exco PSSI members were ready to step down during the upcoming KLB. Because, if you quit before the KLB, the Excos don’t want to create the impression that they’re quitting their job.

Mochamad Iriawan

On Friday, October 28, 2022, during the WIB night, PSSI general chairman Mochamad Iriawan explained that his staff has agreed to expedite the KLB process. There was an agreement after that PSSI held an emergency meeting attended by 12 Exco members.

The pressure to organize an outbreak has come from many quarters, including the Joint Independent Fact Finding Team (TGIPF) for the Kanjuruhan tragedy. There are also a number of clubs such as Persebaya Surabaya and Persis Solo as voters who are also pressing.

Until now, there is no certainty when the KLB will be held. However, word has spread that the fastest KLB will be held in January 2023 or the arrival of the 2022 AFF Cup.

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