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The Exciting Announcement of Pokémon Twitch Cup 3 2023 Start Date

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This Sunday was not just any one for the followers of the Pokémon Twitch Cup 3. Because it was finally the day of the big announcement. To see and get excited about its trailer narrated by Adolfo Moreno himself, the voice of Ash Ketchum in Spain. and finally know the start date of this year’s edition.

A Pokémon Twitch Cup 3 that expands to a list of 42 participants with their respective coaches. With the aim of learning, enjoying and trying as hard as possible to take away from Reven the throne he conquered last year. Although it won’t be easy.

Barbe y Sekiam, founding fathers of this blessed madness, were in charge of announcing everything. Being able to finally know, after a great live with the Delta madness, when this long-awaited Pokémon Twitch Cup 2023 will begin.

When does Pokémon Twitch Cup 3 start?

It could be said that the key phase is of weeks. Both because that is what we have left to wait, and because of the duration of the series itself. Which will have 10 days of adventure, ending in 4 days of tournament using the VGC professional format.

Which brings us to a date that we should all write down on the calendar: the next Monday, November 27. A delay compared to what was perhaps expected but necessary to get everything ready and for some of the protagonists to return from Korea (the 2023 LoL Worlds) and Poland (the VGC regionals).

Los In the first days new cities will open, to give more leeway to less experienced players. At the rate of about two and a half hours a day, but without limit. Although attendance will not be mandatory. Anyone can arrive on the fourth day and marathon. Reason why there will be many days of adventure, for all those who want to go chill, and that the tryhards will have more days to practice.

Pokémon Twitch Cup 3 – 2023


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2023-11-13 09:33:43
#date #start #adventure #Pokémon #Twitch #Cup

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