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The excellent names on the ex pm list. From Alfonso to Sabella here’s who will now have to justify meetings and requests

He said, “Now I’m going to name.” And the names Luca Palamara really makes them. Not in interviews, not in TV appearances, the episodes of an accurate media battle. The hearing before the disciplinary section of the CSM makes them in the real, crucial battle that awaits him next Tuesday. It is here, he believes, that his fate will be at stake: even more than in the criminal trial before the court of Perugia, where the least cumbersome accusations remained, and where he is convinced he can get out unharmed. Instead, he knows that the CSM has a very simple path ahead of it in the disciplinary procedure: to chase it away from the judiciary without so many compliments, reaching a dual objective. Demonstrate (or make believe, that it is the same thing) that the togas can clean inside them. And to prevent the scandal from spreading, that together with the former Unicost secretary all those who have had dinner, plotted and decided will get in the way.

Palamara knows that there are all the conditions for a shooting in the back. So, in the list of texts that he deposited yesterday at 3 pm, he breaks the delay. And it brings up for the first time magistrates who so far had emerged unscathed from the flood of chats and wiretapping. The recurring phrase is always the same, raw and explicit: “He will report about his relations with Dr. Palamara and the reasons for his interlocutors with the same”. Translated: they will have to explain why one day they spoke with him, the czar of the appointments of Italian justice. What did they talk about? Of appointments. Maybe his own, maybe someone else’s. Because one thing is certain, demonstrated by the thousands of chats: there was no talk of law with him. Palamara spoke only of appointments, of places, of partitions, In an omnivorous, compulsive way.

So here they are, called in to explain “the reasons for the interlocution” with the reprobate. Roberto Alfonso, who under the reign of Palamara became procurator general in Milan; Alfonso Sabella, of whom Palamara also indicates the position he held dear, “with regard to the application for substitute national anti-mafia prosecutor”; Silvia Corinaldesi asked to explain how she became section president in Ancona; In addition to the contacts, the judge of Cassation Rossanna Giannaccari asks to explain “the existence of a practice on the occasion of applications for access to the Cassation”, or the habit of going to seek support in CSM. There is something for everyone, illustrious or dark magistrates, who in recent years have crossed paths. And there is especially for the colleagues of Anm and Csm, the robe of the currents that have treated the government of the judiciary with him for years. Palamara burst them, one after the other: they too were there, they also knew. There is Francesco Minisci, former ANM president, there are former CSM councilors such as Massimo Forciniti and Eugenio Albamonte, Aniello Nappi, Aldo Morgigni, Valerio Fracassi, Piergiorgio Morosini. All exponents of the center-left alliance that commanded CSM in the roaring years Palamara era.

Who has seen him in these days, describes the Roman prosecutor as a fighter ready to get out of the corner by punching. He knows that his strategy lends itself to the accusation of wanting to paint one night where all cats are black, where if everyone is guilty then nobody really is. There is also this, of course. But there is also the stubborn belief that he was not chosen by chance as a scapegoat. Behind, thinks Palamara, there is a drawing, And it is this drawing that yesterday’s list aims to reveal.

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