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“The Ex-Wife of President Gustavo Petro’s Eldest Son Claims to Have Evidence of Corruption”

the ex-wife of Nicholas Petrothe eldest son of President Gustavo Petro, he stirred up tensions again after referring to the statements with which he implicated the deputy from Atlántico in alleged acts of corruption.

This is Day Vásquez, who said through his personal Twitter account that he has “evidence of everything, even what you cannot imagine. So stop fucking around.”

The trill would be referring to the controversial statements by Vásquez about at least 1,000 million pesos that Nicolás Petro would have received from a former drug trafficker and a politician with alleged ties to paramilitaries of the stature of Jorge 40 and Salvatore Mancuso.

According to his story, which was supported with chats, photos and audios, Nicolás Petro would have received 600 million pesos from former drug trafficker Samuel Santander Lopesierra, better known as the Marlboro Man, and 400 million more pesos that would have come from Alfonso del Cristo Hilsaca Eljadue, better known as the Hilsaca Turk.

Following these accusations, made known at the beginning of last month, Day Vásquez has denounced alleged threats against his life and that of several of his relatives.

For this reason, the ex-wife of Petro’s son has dedicated herself to constantly trilling that she not only has proof of everything she has said but that, according to her, she has many more things to tell.

The scandal has been one of the most delicate in the presidential family, although the brother of the head of state, Fernando Petro, has also been involved in alleged payments made by extraditables who were seeking a clue to total peace.

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For now, Nicolás Petro is being investigated by the Attorney General’s Office, the Nation’s Attorney General’s Office and even the National Electoral Council, since the 1,000 million pesos would have come into his hands to supposedly be invested in his father’s presidential campaign .

Despite this, Vásquez herself said that this money never reached the campaign and that the president did not know about those cash payments that apparently arrived illegally.

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