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the ex-presenter of the television news heard in free hearing

The former presenter of the TF1 newscast Patrick Poivre d’Arvor was heard last Tuesday in open hearing by the police as part of the investigation opened for “rapes” after the accusations of the writer Florence Porcel, a- we learned this Sunday from a source close to the file.

He always denies the accusations

PPDA, which denies these accusations, was heard by the Brigade for the repression of delinquency in persons (BRDP) of the Paris judicial police, seized of the investigation opened by the Nanterre prosecutor’s office.

The case erupted after the filing of a complaint on February 15 by the writer Florence Porcel, who accuses the famous journalist and novelist, now 73, of having forced him to have sex in 2004 and fellatio in 2009 .

Since then, “multiple hearings”, in particular of possible witnesses of the denounced facts, or of people forming part of the professional environment of Patrick Poivre d’Arvor and Ms. Porcel, have been conducted without filing an additional complaint.

For its part, the newspaper The world has collected a dozen testimonies, posted online on March 15, reporting “abuse of a dominant position” on the part of Patrick Poivre d’Arvor over the years.

PPDA complaint filed in March

At the end of March, the latter, who has always denied having forced sex on Ms. Porcel or any other woman, filed a complaint for “slanderous denunciation” against his accuser.

In an interview with Parisian on March 22, Ms. Porcel, already heard by the police, assured that “the investigation will establish the facts”, saying she wanted “Patrick Poivre d’Arvor to be tried for his actions”.

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