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The ex-husband beat Pelageya: what happened

Former spouses still cannot build relationships or finally say goodbye. As a result, for the second year now, the whole country has been watching the war between Ivan Telegin and Pelageya.

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It became known that after a series of failures, Ivan Telegin finally managed to beat his ex-wife in court. According to a source, the athlete got a reduction in the amount of food for their five-year-old daughter Taisiya with Pelageya. It is possible that Ivan was helped by the fact that he had another child from a past relationship.

It is known that the athlete’s expenses for Taisia ​​​​​​have now decreased by a quarter of her earnings. So the hockey player should be satisfied with himself, because he not only wiped his ex-wife’s nose, but he also got what he wanted. Ivan barely pays attention to public condemnation. In recent months, he has not just been vilified on social networks, and Telegin has maintained his position. I finally got some results.

“The amount of alimony can be changed up or down in the presence of circumstances such as a change in the material, marital status of non-payers or other circumstances worthy of attention and respect. Just in the framework of the dispute between Ivan Telegin and Pelageya, it can be assumed that alimony was reduced, because Ivan has another child from an affair with Evgenia Nour. And as is known from open sources, she filed a lawsuit against Telegin to establish paternity, and most likely the court established this and determined the payment of alimony, including for the first child of her ex-lover, ”he commented Telegin lawyer Sergei Uzdensky.

It is also possible that the court satisfied the athlete’s request because Pelageya’s income increased, and the singer did not need large payments for Taisia. The singer herself is still silent and does not comment on the victory of her ex-husband.

Earlier, we recall, Telegin tried in court to claim his ex-wife’s luxurious apartment on Nezhinskaya Street. After the first failure, Ivan appealed, but to no avail. “It was not possible to sue the apartment bought by Pelageya’s mother (producer of the Pelageya group) and collect compensation from the artist for far-fetched reasons”, then the singer’s lawyer commented on the situation.

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