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The events of the first episode of “The Bully” … historical controversy and quick criticism!

Imane Mandour In the news, cinema and television, Ramadan 2020

Posted: Friday, April 24 2020 – 12:11 pm
4/24/2020 12:11:29 PM

With the first minutes of the first days of the blessed month of Ramadan, the audience was on a date with “Al-Fatwa”, the first series to be shown on Egyptian channels in Ramadan 2020, which takes place in 1850, in the Al-Gamalia neighborhood in Cairo, about the struggle of fatwas in popular neighborhoods in the past.

Also read: Channels and dates of the series “Fatwa” by Yasser Jalal

The first episode started with a scene of the teachings of the teacher, Azmi Abu Shadid, who collect royalties forcibly and unjustly from the residents of the neighborhood in the middle of the night, but suddenly Hassan al-Jabali, the masked knight that Yasser Jalal embodies, appears, defeats them, takes royalties and brings them back to the population again in secret.

Nobody knows who is the masked knight who addresses the injustice of the girls, and the people whisper among themselves about the “overpowering fatwa” who restores their rights to them, but Jabali always pretends that he knows nothing about him, in order not to raise doubts about him.

The episode sheds light on the main characters in the work: the first of which is the teacher Saber Abu Shadid Fatwa Al-Jamaliah, who is embodied by the artist Ahmed Khalil, and his two sons, “Azmi” Ahmed Salah Hosni, and “Faraj” Diaa Abdel-Khaleq; the first takes extra royalties that his father imposes on the neighborhood, without His knowledge, and he spend his evening nights between wine and women at night, and imposes his power and darkness on the people of the neighborhood during the day, while the second is less daring and impulsive than him.

And they have a sister who is “Lil” Mai Omar, who is not allowed to leave her father’s house since her divorce, and seeks to search for her mother, so one of the “horoscope readers” comes to her, and she tells her that there is a boy who looks like her, it seems that he is from her offspring, but a snake turns between them, and a knight turns On his horse and destroy it, and eventually marry her … The girl rejoices at the word of the antichrist, although none of her prophecies have been fulfilled before her, but it seems as if she is looking for hope that she adheres to in changing reality, even if he is stoned by the unseen.

As for Hassan Al-Jabali, his wife died a long time ago, and he has a beautiful daughter named “Nora” Laila Zahir, who teaches her about firearms and “fighting with the prophet” in order to defend herself if someone is exposed to her one day. Indeed, a young man is exposed to her on the way and flirting with her, so she tells her father, who in turn goes to him and expands him, beating him and accompanied him in the neighborhood, without paying attention to the fact that the boy is the son of the master, the master of frankincense, the fatwa of Al-Madbah!

As soon as the first episode show ended, a controversy arose about it on social media, and most of it was a scathing criticism of the way of handling and performance, although the events of the series revolve in 1850, but the first episode lacked the historical spirit of this period, especially the presence of some phrases and names that do not It fits with this era, such as “Effendi”, “Eh Shalvat, and you will doubt it”, “Educate them” … etc.

The heroes also formed, in terms of the presence of “specific and listed” chins on the modern method, and not the presence of mustaches as was customary in the past.

In total, it is not yet clear why the historical era was chosen and referred to, and how it will be dealt with in the upcoming episodes, which is inconsistent with the rapid judgment on the events that took place today, because it is difficult to evaluate a work of art at first sight, but what is certain is that if it continues ” Ahmed Salah Hosni’s “Act” in the act, as it happened in the first episode, will be the main weak point of the series … away from any mistakes.

Also read:

Shows for TV series and programs ON in Ramadan 2020

The dates of the TV series “CBC” in Ramadan 2020

All Ramadan 2020 series and channels

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