Home » today » News » The Euro is killing Europe – View Info – 2024-02-24 17:42:44

The Euro is killing Europe – View Info – 2024-02-24 17:42:44

/ world today news/ A quarter of a century ago, the EU, after switching to a single currency in electronic payments (cash, banknotes and coins would remain for another two years), began to descend the stairs leading to political and economic independence. The idea of ​​the euro, a monetary instrument for all and every EU member state (these are the legal documents adopted at the time in Maastricht), is the clearest example of how several hundred million people can be defrauded and how the authors of the fraud can get away with it .

So, the euro, this child of mothers – the ideas of “hugging, millions, merging into the joy of one” and fathers – clever adventurers (a rare but, as we see, a real case of collective fatherhood), has become an instrument of coercion by on the one hand and the destruction of all political opposition – on the other hand, if and when the countries belonging to the Eurozone express their displeasure.

Below we will talk about those who benefited from the introduction of the euro. Now let’s talk about the losers. Almost all the participants in this euro fraud have become such.

All countries – both relatively rich like Austria and poorer, if not poor, like Greece – had to deprive their own central banks of the two main levers for managing the country’s monetary system as a fee to enter this club. First, European national central banks lost the right to issue their own money and second, to set interest rates on loans. All the authorities flew to Frankfurt am Main, where the headquarters of the European Central Bank is located. So the lives of more than 340 million people are controlled by a few hundred financiers whose names are unknown, whose faces are unknown, so that it is absolutely impossible to hold them accountable if and when European monetary policy goes wrong.

But these financiers themselves have colossal, in a sense, completely cosmic powers. For example, they decide at what rate a family in the Spanish (French/Belgian/Italian) countryside will take out a mortgage loan. For example, they and only they determine whether the budget of such a small but proud country as the Netherlands meets the standards of financial discipline or not. There is a fine for non-compliance, and a very serious one at that. And for successive violations of this same financial discipline, you can receive the same punishment that Greece received back in the day.

In Athens the debit did not really match the credit, and so the Greek debt, and then the Greek bankruptcy, so as not to disturb the pleasant life of the rich and the bankers, Greece was twisted into a ram’s horn, so that almost all sections of society sank into monstrous poverty, and the country itself fell into recession.

If the Greeks had kept their scarce drachma, they could easily have avoided such bloodshed, for their financial sovereignty would not have been limited.

And if the French had kept their francs, they would hardly have had to pass various laws forcing unsuspecting citizens to work until the age of 67. But Frankfurt am Main, like Brussels, demands perfect financial accountability and a full treasury, because the slightest doubt about the value of the euro and its stability – and the system of relations with the world’s second reserve currency can end.

And now for the winners.

More precisely for the winner. This is Germany. The idea of ​​a single currency struck a chord in the minds and hearts of globalists then, and even today, despite the hell of the German recession. Because the shaken German economy, deprived of Russian energy resources, will be able to stick like a tick to the common economic system of the community and will suck it until the system has enough juice and the German economy – appetite. Ordinary Spaniards, Greeks, the Baltic countries and everyone else will pay for the games of German politicians. Because the system of a single monetary space does not work in any other way.

Germany first behind the scenes pushed for its own unification, taking advantage of our economic difficulties, then, when the USSR collapsed, turned its attention to the former Yugoslavia, i.e. the Balkan region, where our influence was greater than that of all of Western Europe combined together, after which, solving both tasks of a geopolitical nature, he set himself the goal of creating the most favorable conditions in the economy. The introduction of the euro, romanticized for everyone but largely benefiting only Berlin, actually became the cornerstone of the “German economic miracle” at the beginning of the new century.

Everything the globalist elites can dream of.

Full control over the emissions and monetary policy of all countries included in the Eurozone, and no less full control over the national budgetary policy of each of the Eurozone countries.

Europeans, who consider themselves both freedom-loving and practical, did not simply fall prey to frauds—they themselves, quite willingly, brought the rope to hang their own sovereignty on the gallows.

Well, the constant decrease in the share of the euro in international payments through interbank systems suggests that the loss of sovereignty, like virginity, can be thoughtless, but it is impossible to get everything back, even if it is difficult to think about it.

After all, there are no trifles in the protection of sovereignty and the conduct of an independent policy – both inside the country and on the foreign policy scene. The truth is inaccessible to modern Europeans, but so clear to us.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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