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The Euribor starts the week without knowing what to do today

The readers of the Euribor blog when they found out that this week we have a contest.

This morning my boss told me that I am becoming lazy, that I have not done a contest on the web for a long time and I told him that he is right, that I am going to do one, so I asked him about the budget for prizes and he told me “the usual, intern, the usual” and we already know what the usual is … But you have to admit that for such a small budget, in the end I do some super cool contests, in the last one there were even prizes for everyone and I gave you 15 days of HBO for free. As well, tomorrow there will be a contest and this time with a real gift, one of those that you can’t find for free out there. It is a gift that has cost me my little money, the one that costs me so much to earn by putting drinks. It is a gift that is twice as good as the previous one. It’s a GIFT, even better than that barrel of oil that we raffled (in that rare month that the future of oil came to trade negative). Stay tuned tomorrow because there will be GIFT AND EURIBOR.

At the moment today we do not have a GIFT but we do have EURIBOR that at the value that it is we can also consider it a good gift. How did the week start?

The most used indicator in mortgages in Spain continues to rest and the week begins repeating value again at -0.478%, with what continues to equal the annual maximum of last March 1, Anyway you do not have to worry much since the April average remains at -0.489% and those who have a review this month will see how their mortgage is lowered considerably since a year ago the Euribor was at -0.108%, in this way those who have A € 200,000 mortgage that you review annually will see how the monthly payment will be lowered to around € 32.

However, the Euribor worries fewer and fewer people since in January of this year more fixed-rate mortgages were registered in Spain than at variable interest, and the tendency of banks is to offer more fixed ones despite the fact that their clients are currently interested plus the variables.

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