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The Euribor shoots up to almost -0.1% and we give you 2 tips

This morning my boss told me that in addition to giving the value of the Euribor every day I would have to write a little about personal finance, as if I knew anything about it. He has told me that lately people search the Internet a lot for things about «statement of income» and that there we have a wealth of visits, that I study the subject and write an article with a hook type «Five tips that will save you money on your income statement«.

Well, I have been reading all morning and I am in a position to give you «The two best tips for filing your income tax return«. There they go.

First of all, a clarification. If your income tax return is negative, it means that they have to pay you and that is good. In this case negative is positive. It’s like in the COVID tests, negative is good and positive is bad. It is also like the Euribor, negative is good for your pocket and positive is bad.

  • tip number one. If you get to return it, let’s say the treasury is the one who pays you, make the declaration as soon as possible (April 6) because money is always better in your bank than in the treasury.
  • tip number two. If you get paid. Make the statement as late as possible because again that little money is better in your bank than in his. Wait until the penultimate day to file the return, which is June 29. Do not wait for the last one because you will surely get involved or realize that your digital certificate has expired or that the Internet does not work or any of those things that always happen at the last minute.

Thanks intern, you have saved me from going to an advisor, now give me today’s Euribor.

Well, everything is the same or worse and honestly I don’t know when this will end because all forecasts are falling. The most used indicator in mortgages in Spain continues its upward streak and begins the week going up another 22 thousandths in your daily rate up to -0.105% with which in the last eighteen trading days the Euribor has already risen 293 thousandths, plus 65% and is placed at a maximum since the summer of 2020.

As for the average for March, it remains at -0.251%, well above the value set a year ago when it was at -0.487%, which will make all the variable mortgages that will have to be reviewed soon more expensive.

Any forecast for the Euribor in 2022?

After the last meeting of the ECB-

The ECB (European Central Bank) is the watchdog of monetary orthodoxy in the area(…)-” data-gt-translate-attributes=”[{“attribute”:”data-cmtooltip”, “format”:”html”}]”> ECB of last Thursday, March 10, it seems clear that the institution chaired by Christine Lagarde will raise rates in the last quarter of the year, something that is currently discounting the Euribor. It remains to be seen if it will raise rates once or twice (as it seems that the markets point) with which it is more than likely that we will continue with a slight upward trend throughout 2022. What seems clear is that we already have to seriously start thinking that the Euribor will be positive in a few months.

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