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The EU will make a historic decision. She has already been accused of “treason”

Some time ago, the European Union investigated subsidizing electric cars made in China, which are sold, among others, to: the European market. Once the study is complete Committee European he said that China subsidizes the production of electric cars, which allows them to sell cars at very low prices.

This has raised concerns in the EU that the European car industry will become another industry unable to cope with unfair competition from China. Currently, for example, 90 percent of photovoltaic panels sold in the EU come from the Middle Kingdom.

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See also: It tells what the China game is all about in Europe. “They will sell us dear”

Up to 35 percent royalties

That is why the EC announced taxes on Chinese “electricity”, which range from 7.8 percent. and 35.3 percent This is in addition to the existing 10% taxes in the EU on imported cars. The amount depends on the extent to which the company had a subsidy and whether they cooperated with the EC during the investigation. The tariffs are going to affect not only Chinese companies, but also non-Chinese companies that manufacture in the Middle Kingdom – for example, the American Tesla is going to be subject to a 7.8% tariff.

The final decision will come from a vote by member states, which must be held by October 10. According to Bloomberg’s Saturday reports, the vote will take place on Friday, October 4.

The EU will make a historic decision. She has already been accused of “treason”

Taxes would have to be rejected by what is known as a blocking majority, ie “against”, it would have to be voted “against” by at least 15 countries representing 65 percent. EU population. So far, the following people have declared their opposition to taxes: Spain, Germany, Slovakia and Hungary.

After meeting Chinese leader Xi Jinping in early September, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez announced he was “reconsidering” Madrid’s position on customs duties and called the EC “a trade war avoid” between the EU and China.

The EU will make a historic decision. She has already been accused of “treason”

Those words were backed up by a German government spokesman, who called them “leaders we share.” ” The German car industry is highly dependent on the Chinese market – about a third of car exports from German designed for the Middle Kingdom.

Last week, Chinese Commerce Minister Wang Wentao visited Berlin, Rome and Brussels, who announced that he would make a deal with the EU “until the last minute” to get the community to withdraw customs duties. However, Beijing’s proposal to introduce duties on the prices of Chinese vehicles sold in the EU was rejected. The EC said it will not eliminate the harmful effects of subsidies.

“The Betrayal of Promises”

“By opening an investigation into the subsidization of Chinese-made electric cars in the name of limiting the risk they pose to European car companies, the European Commission has not only gone from appropriate world trade standards, but also she betrayed a solemn commitment to free and fair promotion hand in hand” – wrote Mei Xinyu, a researcher from the Ministry of Commerce of the China Academy for International Trade and Economic Cooperation, in an opinion for China Daily on Thursday.

The EU will make a historic decision. She has already been accused of “treason”

According to him, the EU has been moving slowly but effectively towards protection over the last decades, which gave it the nickname “Fortress Europe”. “The Community’s economic policy, which is increasingly characterized by regulations that limit innovation, has led to a decline in economic activity and impact on the world.” – he said. He opposed the EU’s approach to China, which he said is a “responsible member of the global trading community.”

The EU will make a historic decision. She has already been accused of “treason”

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2024-09-28 15:32:45
#historic #decision #accused #treason

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